Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis - IUPUI Discussion

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what do u guys do here By: transfer   Last Post:

what does the going out life look like at iupui?...Read More

By: transfer   Last Post:

Started: Jul 22, 2024 11:44:35 AM
Will Dsig Ever Be Relevant Again? By: Truther   Last Post:

they don't even throw down like they used to and...Read More

By: Truther   Last Post:

Started: Nov 20, 2023 11:27:40 PM
SAE got hit with a CND By: lol   Last Post:

even though their pledges were intiated after 3 days, they...Read More

By: lol   Last Post:

Started: Nov 9, 2023 12:56:24 PM
Dsig actually blows By: skanthunt69   Last Post:

Dsig beats their brothers and they run ifc so they...Read More

By: skanthunt69   Last Post:

Started: Aug 23, 2023 7:55:06 PM
Dsig is really lucky they not kicked off campus By: student   Last Post:

yall are not cool enough to be hazing your...Read More

By: student   Last Post:

Started: Sep 30, 2023 3:57:26 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
Don’t listen to Greek Rank By: Student   Last Post:

Greek rank is a terrible way to scope an organization....Read More

By: Student   Last Post:

Started: Aug 23, 2023 9:59:29 PM
Dsig or SAE Party By: dude   Last Post:

They both threw this past weekend. Which one was better?...Read More

By: dude   Last Post:

Started: Sep 24, 2023 2:31:31 PM
Is it honestly worth it here By: FratLife?   Last Post:

Debating on if I should rush, is Greek life any...Read More

By: FratLife?   Last Post:

Started: Jun 5, 2023 11:10:11 AM
Bid Day and Still Didn't get contacted By: student   Last Post:

I'm still waiting for my bid. Did anyone hear back...Read More

By: student   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2023 7:23:50 PM
Rush Fiji 2023 ! By: Student   Last Post:

Had 12 guys at our recent rush event. Looking forward...Read More

By: Student   Last Post:

Started: Aug 24, 2023 9:14:25 PM
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