
open house


so what did u all think about the open house videos (if u could even see them lol rip)

Posted By: fre
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i liked chi o, axo, adpi, and pi phi

By: pnm
by: yo    

chi o yes

By: yo

aopi was so progressive. should be what the future of greek life looks like it

By: yo
by: F   

What they do

By: F
by: yes   

aopi talked about inclusiveness and body positive images. loved it!!

By: yes

I really liked a lot of the houses, it was actually hard to pick 6 to cut. The videos were all really good. What I don't understand is how the houses are going to cut girls without even meeting them. What are they basing it on? Or will it just go by how we rank them? But then I could see everyone picking the same houses. Does anyone know?

By: 24
by: cuts   

if someone doesn’t meet the GPA requirement would be the most common and objective reason

By: cuts
by: yes   

based on your application and picture you submitted

By: yes
by: idk   

i agree all of the vids were really cool! just from talking to my roommate and stuff, I think that everyone is really looking for different things, so everyone will preference some different houses as we go along. like me and my roommate ranked our houses pretty differently

By: idk
by: Sorority ~gal~   

Typically it's a mix of factors, but you may remember filling out an info sheet including things like gpa, activities, legacy status etc. These are just some of the factors that can play into it, not all, and it can vary by houses. But think of it this way: would a house want a successful woman with a 4.0gpa, who was captain of a sport,had a leadership position in student council (for example) and more, or would a house want someone with a 2.7 who was only half involved in one activity and had zero leadership experiences? These are extremes obvs, but houses take gpa into account bc if someone barely got the minimum gpa to rush, there's a good chance their gpa may drop too low to meet the house's standards down the line. If someone had little involvement or leadership in highschool, what are the chances of them really committing to the sorority and one day having an exec position? Anyways long but hope this helps and makes some sense

By: Sorority ~gal~

i feel like u can’t rate the houses on a freakin video

By: dd
by: PNM   

True. Sad that we will never go in the houses. Or meet people face to face to get the real vibe.

by: Yep   

We’re sad we can’t talk to you guys in-person either :( it’s weird making decisions based on zoom calls too, but just be yourself & be confident, and you will shine through.

By: Yep

I got cut by a lot of houses. I still have houses but I was surprised by how many I was cut from. I have a range of houses left too that is top middle and lower, weird mix.

by: halo   

same :/

By: halo
by: Today   

I was generally happy with the houses I got, but I agree some of it seems really random. My roommate got a bunch that she put in her bottom 6.

By: Today
by: PNM1   

I got 13 back but 6 of my bottom and then 4/6 of the top ones and 3 middle to low - so far that's the one I like best

My roommate got 6 and our friend got 7

By: PNM1

Like I said before, upper/mid/bottom is all relative to what is important to you. :-) this recruitment is not normal, but we all are going through it.

I’m sure things will feel better (as they do on our end) as rounds continue and you can introduce yourself and make those connections. Same goes for us! Be confident and I’m sure your personality, values and passions will shine through!

If you only care about what you and other girls look like, there will be chapters that value that.

If you want to have a leadership role and bc super involved in the chapter? ✅ There are chapters that look for emerging and future leaders.

A cause to give time, money and volunteer for? ✅ Every sorority has a philanthropy, but some participate in their own activities as well as more throughout the Greek community.

Academics - who has the highest sorority GPA, offer study programs, support tools, etc.

If I was to rank all the chapters on these items alone the top/mid/bottom would look different. Regardless of the “tier” you can find chapters that will fit your interests. Trust yourself, your conversations and be open to the chapters that invite you back.

By: OG

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