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Poster Name:
Sorority ~gal~

Poster Message:
Typically it's a mix of factors, but you may remember filling out an info sheet including things like gpa, activities, legacy status etc. These are just some of the factors that can play into it, not all, and it can vary by houses. But think of it this way: would a house want a successful woman with a 4.0gpa, who was captain of a sport,had a leadership position in student council (for example) and more, or would a house want someone with a 2.7 who was only half involved in one activity and had zero leadership experiences? These are extremes obvs, but houses take gpa into account bc if someone barely got the minimum gpa to rush, there's a good chance their gpa may drop too low to meet the house's standards down the line. If someone had little involvement or leadership in highschool, what are the chances of them really committing to the sorority and one day having an exec position? Anyways long but hope this helps and makes some sense
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