University of Rhode Island - URI Greek Life Reviews

University of Rhode Island - URI 27 4.14
  • Total Reviews: 27
  • Overall Grade:B+

Greek Life Report Card

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population:Large
  • Gender Ratio:More Girls
  • Hazing:Average
  • Competition:More Selective
  • 27 Reviews
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University of Rhode Island - URI 4.3 Best College On Earth
By: facts Posted:

Best College On Earth

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: No Hazing
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 3.0 Transferring, if you are not in Greek life you are none existent. If you are in Greek life, you can only associate with people in your Greek organization. It’s the most isolated college I have ever seen. If you have friends in different Greek organizations or not in any, you can never go out with them. ITS SO behind the times. Get real and come into 2018! If you are a social person and want to meet lots of people and go out and have a great College experience…. DO NOT GO TO THIS SCHOOL!!!!
By: TransferringPosted:

Transferring, if you are not in Greek life you are none existent. If you are in Greek life, you can only associate with people in your Greek organization. It’s the most isolated college I have ever seen. If you have friends in different Greek organizations or not in any, you can never go out with them. ITS SO behind the times. Get real and come into 2018! If you are a social person and want to meet lots of people and go out and have a great College experience…. DO NOT GO TO THIS SCHOOL!!!!

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.8 nah
By: ...Posted:


  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 2.8 Go to an actual school where parties don't have to be 20 minutes off campus. That alone sucks ass. This place is full with fake Greek life. Real frats and real top 20 party schools party in their frats not off campus. Not your fault but Greek life here isn't all great.
By: Not party schoolPosted:

Go to an actual school where parties don't have to be 20 minutes off campus. That alone sucks ass. This place is full with fake Greek life. Real frats and real top 20 party schools party in their frats not off campus. Not your fault but Greek life here isn't all great.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Small
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 5.0 Great school! Awesome parties if you want to know what wild college parties are come to URI. Greek life is huge and know how to throw great parties.
By: RamPosted:

Great school! Awesome parties if you want to know what wild college parties are come to URI. Greek life is huge and know how to throw great parties.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: N/A
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 5.0 super involved on campus
By: greenPosted:

super involved on campus

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: N/A
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.8 greek life is huge at uri. if you arent in greek life you dont really matter
By: byePosted:

greek life is huge at uri. if you arent in greek life you dont really matter

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective




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