University of Rhode Island - URI Greek Life Reviews

University of Rhode Island - URI 27 4.14
  • Total Reviews: 27
  • Overall Grade:B+

Greek Life Report Card

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population:Large
  • Gender Ratio:More Girls
  • Hazing:Average
  • Competition:More Selective
  • 27 Reviews
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University of Rhode Island - URI 2.8 Greek life is not a bad option at all if you find a fraternity that you like and I have nothing against it. However all these kids saying you will have no social life if you aren’t in greek life are pessimistic, slow and either sucking off the friends they paid for/or not in Greek life and blame the fact they have no friends on it. There are nonstop parties in Narragansett and people mob the suites on campus. You can have a hell of a time if you just actually try to make friends. Plus if you become good friends with some brothers then they invite you to some of their parties.
By: HonestPosted:

Greek life is not a bad option at all if you find a fraternity that you like and I have nothing against it. However all these kids saying you will have no social life if you aren’t in greek life are pessimistic, slow and either sucking off the friends they paid for/or not in Greek life and blame the fact they have no friends on it. There are nonstop parties in Narragansett and people mob the suites on campus. You can have a hell of a time if you just actually try to make friends. Plus if you become good friends with some brothers then they invite you to some of their parties.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 3.0 school needs to open up greek circle to build more houses more fraternities should be on campus, parties are good, involvement is good
By: yesPosted:

school needs to open up greek circle to build more houses more fraternities should be on campus, parties are good, involvement is good

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: No Hazing
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.3 Expect hazing from ADPi, SDT, and DZ, and PIKE.
By: URIPosted:

Expect hazing from ADPi, SDT, and DZ, and PIKE.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.3 Greek life is huge at URI. The only thing g that’s hard is housing- housing is very hard to find these days. We need huge frat houses like other schools.
By: ToroPosted:

Greek life is huge at URI. The only thing g that’s hard is housing- housing is very hard to find these days. We need huge frat houses like other schools.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: N/A
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.0 hazing is obviously very different with frats and sororities but I feel like for the most part this is accurate.
By: keeping it realPosted:

hazing is obviously very different with frats and sororities but I feel like for the most part this is accurate.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.0
By: okPosted:

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: N/A
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 3.5 To be honest, greek life is fairly great here at uri. Sure it seems like people literally hate each other in this website, but I feel like everyone pretty much stays in their lane and does their own thing. The chapters can be more involved on campus, but each individual chapter fundraises differently for their philanthropies. The school itself is really not that bad either. Just be involved and keep an open mind when coming in as a freshman.
By: tbhPosted:

To be honest, greek life is fairly great here at uri. Sure it seems like people literally hate each other in this website, but I feel like everyone pretty much stays in their lane and does their own thing. The chapters can be more involved on campus, but each individual chapter fundraises differently for their philanthropies. The school itself is really not that bad either. Just be involved and keep an open mind when coming in as a freshman.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Easy
University of Rhode Island - URI 3.5 If you are looking to go to Uri, you do not have a choice but to be in Greek life. If you are not, you will have no social life what so ever. The only other thing is maybe be on a sports team. The social scene is very different and you will only be hanging out with whatever frat/ strat you get into. So you better hope you like them or your 4 years is going to suck. I transferred junior year and was considered top tier and would not recommend this school to anyone. JS
By: ??Posted:

If you are looking to go to Uri, you do not have a choice but to be in Greek life. If you are not, you will have no social life what so ever. The only other thing is maybe be on a sports team. The social scene is very different and you will only be hanging out with whatever frat/ strat you get into. So you better hope you like them or your 4 years is going to suck. I transferred junior year and was considered top tier and would not recommend this school to anyone. JS

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 5.0 RHODYYY
By: GuestPosted:


  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 3.5 Every sorority is mean to one another except for a few
By: :) Posted:

Every sorority is mean to one another except for a few

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Very Selective



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