University of Rhode Island - URI Greek Life Reviews

University of Rhode Island - URI 27 4.14
  • Total Reviews: 27
  • Overall Grade:B+

Greek Life Report Card

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population:Large
  • Gender Ratio:More Girls
  • Hazing:Average
  • Competition:More Selective
  • 27 Reviews
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University of Rhode Island - URI 4.5 If you go to uri you have to join greek life if not you will have no friends and wont be allowed in parties! i love being in greek life
By: AOTPosted:

If you go to uri you have to join greek life if not you will have no friends and wont be allowed in parties! i love being in greek life

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.3 If you're completely against greek life, URI might not be for you. URI has a massive greek scene and when people say ONLY the greeks have good parties... believe them. If you're not in greek life you're gonna have a really hard time getting into parties and especially if you're a dude. URI also backs the greek life because they're so involved and have amazing fundraisers like RhodyTHON. Typically, greeks are extremely passionate and proud of their organizations and greek life as a whole. Drama between frats definitely happens but its kinda rare and its a little more profound between sororities, but at the end of the day they really don't care that much... as long as you're greek.
By: not a geed Posted:

If you're completely against greek life, URI might not be for you. URI has a massive greek scene and when people say ONLY the greeks have good parties... believe them. If you're not in greek life you're gonna have a really hard time getting into parties and especially if you're a dude. URI also backs the greek life because they're so involved and have amazing fundraisers like RhodyTHON. Typically, greeks are extremely passionate and proud of their organizations and greek life as a whole. Drama between frats definitely happens but its kinda rare and its a little more profound between sororities, but at the end of the day they really don't care that much... as long as you're greek.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: No Hazing
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.5 Actual frat rankings: 1. Pike 2. TKE 3. SAE 4. Kappa Sigma / Lambda (depends who you ask) 5. ZBt 6. Sig chi 7. theta chi 8. Fiji 9. phi kappa psi 10-15 idk how to rank. Pike throws craziest parties, typical frat guys (nothing wrong w that). TKE also throws crazy parties similar to pike but a little more sloppy. SAE is fun, guys are sick dancers, athletes, getting a new house on campus next year. Kappa Sigma is on the come up, nice guys, passionate about brotherhood and throw crazy Darties. Lambda is full of good guys and have a sick house on campus, parties are dope. we'll see what happens in the next couple years. top 4-6 are the only relevant ones.
By: your momPosted:

Actual frat rankings: 1. Pike 2. TKE 3. SAE 4. Kappa Sigma / Lambda (depends who you ask) 5. ZBt 6. Sig chi 7. theta chi 8. Fiji 9. phi kappa psi 10-15 idk how to rank. Pike throws craziest parties, typical frat guys (nothing wrong w that). TKE also throws crazy parties similar to pike but a little more sloppy. SAE is fun, guys are sick dancers, athletes, getting a new house on campus next year. Kappa Sigma is on the come up, nice guys, passionate about brotherhood and throw crazy Darties. Lambda is full of good guys and have a sick house on campus, parties are dope. we'll see what happens in the next couple years. top 4-6 are the only relevant ones.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Very Common
  • Selection: Average
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.0 If you’re not Greek at URI (especially if you’re a guy) you’re not getting into any parties. The only parties really on this campus are Greek unless they’re from intramural or team sports.
By: YikesPosted:

If you’re not Greek at URI (especially if you’re a guy) you’re not getting into any parties. The only parties really on this campus are Greek unless they’re from intramural or team sports.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.0 Greek life is awesome
By: truthPosted:

Greek life is awesome

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.8 I am in a sorority and have a bunch of friends that i go out with who aren't involved with greek life at all!! its all about time management, but greek life is so much fun and I can't wait for all of the events coming up
By: GO RHODYPosted:

I am in a sorority and have a bunch of friends that i go out with who aren't involved with greek life at all!! its all about time management, but greek life is so much fun and I can't wait for all of the events coming up

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Average
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.0 Greek life is really big at uri, if youre a guy and not in greek life you wont get to party unless youre part of something else. girls i feel like really prefer to be in greek life and more and more freshman rush
By: :)Posted:

Greek life is really big at uri, if youre a guy and not in greek life you wont get to party unless youre part of something else. girls i feel like really prefer to be in greek life and more and more freshman rush

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Easy
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.8 Parties are wild! I used to go to a different school and transferred here after I came to visit my friend. Didn’t know college parties could get like this! Best college ever. But Greek life is extremely important
By: GuestPosted:

Parties are wild! I used to go to a different school and transferred here after I came to visit my friend. Didn’t know college parties could get like this! Best college ever. But Greek life is extremely important

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective
University of Rhode Island - URI 4.8 Best school around! GO RHODY
By: GuestPosted:

Best school around! GO RHODY

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Very Common
  • Selection: Average
University of Rhode Island - URI 5.0 best school on earth! parties are insane
By: student Posted:

best school on earth! parties are insane

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective



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