Bowling Green State University - BGSU Discussion

Page 1 of 24
FRAT AND SORORITY RANKINGS 2024-5 By: True   Last Post:

Frats: SigEp Ksig/ATO Sig Chi Lambda TKE Theta Alpha sig Sig nu Sororities: DG Aphi Fuzzy Pi phi Kappa Aoii DZ AXO Chi O KD SK\n\n\n\n\n...Read More

By: True   Last Post:

Started: May 9, 2024 12:08:35 AM
is this normal??????? By: concerned neighbor   Last Post:

I saw a bunch of sigep pledges leaving one of...Read More

By: concerned neighbor   Last Post:

Started: May 11, 2024 12:36:39 AM
repost By: ...   Last Post:

"Kappa delta, AXO, DZ, and Chi O are honestly the...Read More

By: ...   Last Post:

Started: Apr 2, 2016 7:01:36 AM
Instant Shipping:Buy Adipex Online Overnight Process By: buyanxietypills   Last Post:

Looking to get your hands on Adipex fast? Look no...Read More

By: buyanxietypills   Last Post:

Started: Mar 26, 2024 1:07:07 AM
Sororities ‘24 post cob By: Jj   Last Post:

pi phi DG aphi fuzzy kappa aoii dz axo chio kd sk...Read More

By: Jj   Last Post:

Started: Feb 9, 2024 3:54:04 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
FRAT RANKING FALL 23 OPENI By: GreekRank Tierlist   Last Post:

Top ATO SigEp TKE Mid KapSig SigChi Lambda SigNu Below Mid ThetaChi SAE KA Personal opinion...Read More

By: GreekRank Tierlist   Last Post:

Started: Aug 20, 2023 11:49:27 AM
Want global warming? By: Loren   Last Post:

Keep smoking. That will pollute! If not,smoke more!...Read More

By: Loren   Last Post:

Started: Nov 6, 2023 4:35:30 PM
First Semester Actual Frat Rankings By: Official Frat Rankings   Last Post:

Top House SigEp Upper Tier ATO TKE Ksig Lamda Lower Tier Sig Chi SAE Bottom Tier Theta KA Sig Nu RIP DELT...Read More

By: Official Frat Rankings   Last Post:

Started: Oct 18, 2023 5:41:48 PM
RANKINGS FRAT 2023 By: ashley   Last Post:

Sigep is the only real frat at bgsu, every other...Read More

By: ashley   Last Post:

Started: Sep 11, 2023 3:31:08 PM
Real Rankings (with all fraternities) By: Greekrank Tierlist Sucks   Last Post:

This person posting tier lists doesn't add in all the...Read More

By: Greekrank Tierlist Sucks   Last Post:

Started: Sep 10, 2023 9:08:50 PM
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