
chi omega discussion


Chi Omega sorority chapter comments at Mississippi State University - MSU

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 3 of 24

Your quota comment is getting old also. As far as popularity is concerned ... I guess having 9 fraternity sweethearts in the past 3 years does not make them popular. Sigma Chi (twice), Kappa Sigma, and Phi Delta Theta (twice) to name a few.

By: @quota??

Oh, I forgot ... highest GPA out of all Greeks (sororities and fraternities) for 18 years in a row.

By: @quota??

No I am not a chi o, just someone who has connections with the Greek community at MSU and wants honesty on this site. My comment to you is ... I find it amusing that you cannot argue with any statements that I made on the sidebar so instead you rate Chi O all 1's. Way to show me.

By: @hahaha

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I just have to point out that I was at MSU within the last 18 years and can promise you that Chi O has not had the best grades during that entire time (as claimed below). If that's what they're claiming then they're either mistaken or just plain lying. I was there. I remember. It was a big deal when they were "unseated" as GPA queens.

By: MSU Alum

I have seen the grade reports ... Top GPA ... But it's not worth arguing about ... Only jealous people would try to discredit a sorority they were not part of.

By: @MSU alum

"Only jealous people would try to discredit a sorority they were not part of."
Everyone should really think about this statement and take it to heart in regards to every other sorority in every kind of situation.

By: ironic

Agreed ... ALL sororities should remember this at all times.

By: @ironic

Not trying to discredit anyone. Just trying to bring out the truth. What's the problem with that? Can't handle the truth? Chi Omega has NOT had the highest grades for 18 consecutive years. That's just false because I was on campus during that time and can tell you Chi O lost that honor while I was in school. They may have since regained it, but the truth is that anyone who is knowingly spreading falsehoods just to make themselves look good is doing just the opposite. Truth hurts sometimes.

By: MSU Alum

NPC recommended the change when I was in college for the specific reason of making it easier for sororities to keep their members. Many groups across the country could not keep new members interested in a long pledgeship. Some universities require that students have a certain GPA in order to be initiated ... University of Memphis for one. I also have a feeling that your rankings were the exact opposite of what you intended. Oops


If your statement is true then why does Chi O have the highest GPA for spring semester also? Panhellenic ranks grades for spring too, not just fall.


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