


Top 3: delta, chi o, pi phi

Bottom 3: sk, phi mu, sigma

These are the only concrete rankings people agree on, everyone else falls in between them. Their rankings change based on the opinion of others easily.

Posted By: Tip top
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Top: Theta, Kappa, Chi-O

By: No
by: Lol   

Aw thanks for your input theta!

By: Lol
by: Lol   

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA theta top tier... No. Sorry but there's more to a top house than good grades and homecoming. Theta kappa and chi o are smart and respectable houses but like it or not the opinions of fraternity men do matter and I've never seen a guy drool over a group of thetas. Sorry. Also I haven't seen a kappa out this entire semester like do you have lives..?

By: Lol
by: me   

not a theta but i agree with this.. as does everyone else Ive ever talked to about this incredibly important topic

By: me
by: me   

and I love "Shut up" 's comment. so good hahaa

By: me
by: wait wut   

I see Kappas out all the freaking time. some of them are kind of crazy dr.unks too... just because you read on greek rank they are classy and never go out so you just believe it is kind of hilarious. they are like identical to pi phi these days i dont even know the difference anymore. but regardless, now that they are a little more social and have been going up in looks, id say they should be interchangeable with pi phi for top tier. but i dont think they deserved their placement in hoco. at all. theta did though. and theta also deserves to be top, like come on guys. i dont care what you have to say, delta is not top. chi o, pi phi/kappa, theta and then maybe delta.

By: wait wut
by: ALSO   

let me add on, maybe if you took three seconds to use your brain you would know that your so-called "respected" frat sigma chi DID choose to associate themselves with tridelt for hoco.... id be embarrassed if i were you... no guy gets excited about a theta, sorry.


Bottom three: KD, SK, Sigma.

By: G
by: Mmhm   

I agree though I think SK is doing pretty well for having been an active sorority for only a semester, they're learning quick but are still bottom just because they're new. KD has fallen from good graces which is a shame because a lot of my friends are KD's and despite what people on this site are saying they are very sweet. And Sigma isn't bad they just aren't better than anybody.

By: Mmhm
by: What!   

Why isn’t Phi Mu in the bottom three here? Phi Mu has done nothing to raise themselves from the bottom. Bottom tier in order (highest first) I think would be KD, SK, Sigma, Phi Mu

By: What!
by: agree   

I think you are totally right. kd needs to be bottom tier. they never do anything compared to zeta and phi mu!

By: agree

Some perspective, at my old school greek life was much smaller and Sigma here is better than the top tier sorority at my old school. Sigma isn't a terrible sorority at all it's just that compared to the legacy houses we have they seem worse than they are. All of our bottom tier houses do. But the fact that girls rush and still don't get any bids is proof that all of our houses are strong.

By: Mmhm

Whoever said theta is in too over tridelt is literally delusional. You won't hoco and you HAD good grades....... Nothing else.

By: Um
by: leave   

get off greek rank delta. youre not top anymore and youve all gained the mizzou 22, youre not smart, youre not respected by men. youre lying to yourselves. youve done nothing to prove to us you belong at the top anymore. every house has pretty girls. not every house has class, determination and brains on top of that, and youre definitely not one that does.

By: leave

TriDelt is not top anymore! Period. Nothing is making them top but looks and everyone has pretty girls. Their poor reputation and lack of involvement keeps them from being top. They may have been top a few years ago but the past two pledge classes just haven't measured up!

By: Really
by: csdasfadsg   

couldnt agree more. other houses are overtaking them every year.

By: csdasfadsg

Top 7: chi o, delta, kappa, pi phi, theta, adpi, gphi
bottom 8: aphi, dg, axo, zta, sk, phi mu, sigma, KD

By: what do they have

If you think Delta, Pi Phi and GPhi are our top houses it's because you're a vapid, shallow bimbo who only cares about boys and looks. Those three houses do NOTHING except look good naked. Now if you actually value being competitive, well rounded and exclusive our top three houses are Theta, Chi-O and Kappa. They win, they do well in grades, great retention and a good mix of girls. Seriously that's that. You either value looks only or you value being a well rounded individual. Without their looks what do Pi Phi, GPhi and Delta offer? Pi Phi might be the ONLY one who gives something other than looks because of their grades but they don't compete well at all.

By: Bottom line

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by: No   

Pi phi and delta are two of THE most sought out houses during recruitment and the only place ranks and tiers matter are in the eyes of PNMs. Not ONCE during recruitment did I hear anyone say they want a house because they've done good in homecoming or are FIRST in grades. I'm sorry but that's the truth. Every girl wants to be a part of a house that is well rounded AND good looking. Literally kappa theta and chi o need to stop, because there is more to life than being so damn competitive. Get a life.

By: No
by: yes   

a freaking men to you truth. I know so so so many people who dropped pi phi and delta including myself. nobody is bitter. pi phi is more respected that delta i give them that but come on. so many more girls wouldve DIED to be a chi o. theta cuts more than any house I know and kappa has got to be the most respected sorority out there, and what pnm goes into recruitment not wanting respect? like believe it or not guys, frats actually do date girls in these respectable houses, too. im sorry to you delta, pi phi, g phi.... you are honestly lying to yourselves if you believe you are the most desired houses by everyone. maybe you are to boy crazy, drunk pnms or just drunk people in general, but hey you can have those ones. the good houses dont want them. truth has summed up our greek system these days perfectly. now please do us all a favor and get your insecure selves off this site unless youre actually gonna rank yourselves how you really are.

By: yes
by: hey   

to no-- if by more to life you mean sleeping with three different dudes in one night, hitting up pacific beach tanning everyday after class (If you actually go to those since theyre probably quite inconvenient to your hair bleaching appointment) and smoking a bowl before slamming a handle with a few of your "sisters" on a thursday night at the frats then i dont think that many actually want "more in life."

By: hey
by: dsafasdfnl   

hey delta... newsflash: every house has pretty girls. every single one. some even have a few girls who outshine all of yours combined. regardless, looks only are not gonna cut it. many beautiful senior girls in high school right now would much rather be in a pretty house that actually cares about doing well in competitions, values being classy and maintaining grades like MOST of the girls in pi phi and kappa. especially homecoming. its something the community enjoys and people come back to see how hard greeks have worked and for you to not take it seriously is disrespectful, its embarrassing and its disappointing to your alumni. anyway, no outstanding girl is going to join your sorority unless the only thing she cares about is feeling pretty because that is literally all Delta has going for them if they even have that anymore compared to the beauty in multiple other houses now. I would be embarrassed to be in this house.

By: dsafasdfnl
by: are you nuts   

you must be literally delusional to say that delta doesn't take homecoming seriously when this year they did and it showed - they won float and most improved. Girls in Delta DID try hard in hoco, DO get decent/good grades, and on top of that are desired during recruitment and frats want to pair with them. It is extremely offensive to say that it's "disrespectful to the alumni" and all this bs when the house is making a clear and valid effort to turn around their performance in homecoming. Just because their members dont dedicate their lives to it, does NOT mean they are not trying. Get the stick out of your ass and maybe learn to have some fun kappa/theta... Just because DDD can both have fun and still do decent doesn't mean you have to put them down for it. Get a life. Also -- you may have some gorgeous girls, but no one cares because the majority aren't. Cry about it. bye.

By: are you nuts

I think we'd all like to put zeta in the bottom three.
I don't care that you rush cute girls, they all drop because they realize how fricken crazy you all are! No one wants to associate with mean girls.

By: Zeta
by: Bottom   

Bottom three: zeta, sk, sigma

By: Bottom
by: Nope   

Hey kfajd, I'm surprised you pulled yourself off your back long enough to type a response, very well done! Now run along back to the fraternity basement you crawled out of and get back to doing what you do best, being a hoe instead of a housewife.

By: Nope

i never thought delta was top in the first place? this is the only place ive heard of delta being top: a catty anonymous website.

By: yes

Who cares who the top three are? All of our houses are good unless you're in zeta, sigma or phi mu. I would hate to have the "social suicide" houses on pref day. I would probably drop!

By: Bottom
by: Yep   

I wouldn't consider any of our houses to be "social suicide". All of the houses have great things to offer.

By: Yep

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