


ok so bid day was yesterday and i ended up getting my second choice ngl i dont love them yet and when i see the other house girls posting pics and saw them on bid night i was super sad and i know its early to drop but will i end up loving this house if i dont want to been seen in the house i got intos letters . im not trying to be ungrateful just truthful . pls help.

Posted By: fresh
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girl I feel you, but I'm really tying to stick it out a few weeks and if I hate it drop.

By: relatable

give it a few weeks! it's totally normal to feel weird on bid day - you're literally filled in a room with over a hundred strangers that you're supposed to call your sisters. Give it some time and if you still don't feel right you can always drop before initiation and still be able to rush again next year! Trust the process, houses choose girls that they think will fit in with their members so you're probably there for a reason

By: greek

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give it a few weeks if not a few days, plenty of girls end up in houses they "think" they don't belong in when really they do!! You'll meet tons of ppl in the new member process and you'll probably make a bunch of friends, and if not then at least you tried and know if you should for sure drop or not. Give it a try and you might love where you end up!

By: ye

bid day is so awkward for new members, give it a few weeks and see if you find people you like. you have until initiation to drop!

By: ya

Stick with it, if you didn’t get in you’re top the first time, doesn’t matter how many friends you have in the house the second time around, you’re not gonna get in

By: Pledge mom pam
by: pledge mom sam   


By: pledge mom sam
by: sophhhhhh   

i have a frriend who last year dropped and then rushed this year she got her top cause her friends were in the house so...

By: sophhhhhh
by: op above is right   

The odds ARE kind of stacked against you. I can say, though, that I dropped freshman year b/c I didn't get asked back to the houses I wanted. I rushed again as a sophomore and ended up preffing at a "top tier" and then a "mid tier" (where I was a legacy). Both had dropped me freshman year. I ended up ranking my legacy house as #1 and, obvi, got it. (They have to put you #1 on bid list if you come through pref as a legacy, typically it's a rule for most nationals). I definitely did it in part bc it felt "safer" to get a guaranteed bid. I sat there on bid day like OMG did I make a HORRIBLE mistake?! I felt so out of place and overwhelmed. It didn't help that my roommate ended up with the "top hose" I put as #2 and she was in love from the start. But I gave it time, and can't imagine being anywhere else. I can see now that my choice DID happen for a reason. My advice---GET OFF GREEK RANK. STOP OBSESSING ABOUT TIERS. Focus on your new house and getting to know other new members and also the sisters. You are NOT going to be BFF with all 200+ girls. TBH, you might not even like some of them. But you WILL find your spot. The grass is NOT always greener elsewhere.....just give. it. time.

By: op above is right

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