
actual rankings


Based on successes, grades, and campus reputation....

(Interchangeable: Pi Phi, Gamma Phi, Chi-o)


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This is perfect! I feel that Pi Phi Gphi and Chi-O are all equally in that 4th spot. It just depends on their successes in the following years to keep it that way.

By: agreed
by: Sorry but...   

When you say those criteria THETA stands alone.

Kappa never seems to make top 5 in grades much less top three. Same for Tridelta usually they squeak into the top 5 in grades but never top 3.

You gotta bump them down one- they have two of the 3 qualifications and when it becomes two out of three then it looks like this next:

Kappa, Tridelta, ChiO and PiPhi- all have top 5 reps, usually 3(PBP,DDD,XO)those houses are top 5 in grades and Kappa might come in a little lower in grades but has won HC this yr and pres trophy last.

Thenlooking at one criteria:

Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi are next. Both houses have mid tier reps. Together they only have one large win over a year ago( AP) and GPB has lanes in the 5 for grades( but their last two pledge classes haven't had as good a grades so that seems like it won't continue) so each has one- GPB grades and Alpha Phi wins.\n\n\n\n\nFinally the other houses come into play,this is solely based on the criteria put forth by original poster.

By: Sorry but...

If you add a few more criteria like cheer and Pom girls and PLC girls you get a clearer picture too because recruient is t a team sport on the PNMs side--the houses with the majority of those kind of girls are Theta, Kappa, DDD, ChiO and Pi phi ( only listed them last because they are the only house with a feature twirler). These type girls can go anywhere all the houses want them but they always choose one of those 5. Those houses are extremely selective though so it's good to keep your options open.

By: Pan girl

The person making the comments doesn't know much.

First, cheer and pom are not a category of success. Many of the girls don't have either the grades or the reputation to be in a top house so they end up in a middle house. That doesn't make the middle house a top house. :)

Second, Kappa came in 2nd in grades last year 1st semester. Pi Phi came in 3rd 2nd semester. Gamma Phi came in 3rd 1st semester and 2nd 2nd semester. They're all in the top 5 this year. That's pretty consistent. Chi O and A Phi are usually never in the top for grades.

Third, in the last two years all the top houses have either won or placed in large campus-wide events. Chi O hasn't won or placed in anything.

Fourth, reputation isn't something that's really quantifiable. If you're a kind of wild partier you're going to rank houses that you think have lots of partiers high. If you're serious about grades, you rank the academic houses higher or if you're into leadership, the houses with lots of PLC and CAC girls is higher. It's kind of ridiculous to rank that way and then fight over it.

Finally, everything a house does during the year is summed up in president's trophy. Kappa, Theta, and Tri Delta have won or were runner's up in the last 2 years. Gamma Phi and Pi Phi have won president's trophy award for both of the last two years. In my opinion, Kappa, Theta, and Tri Delta are the top 3 houses and Gamma Phi and Pi Phi round out the top 5 houses.

By: Top 5
by: ^   

Check your facts. You seem to have an issue with ChIO. They have been consistently in the top 5 for grades except one semester over the past few years (their pledge class was top 3) Exactly like you claim about Kappa.

Second the president award category prizes aren't overalls, they are like the Miracle cup Kappa won and The Standards of Excellence Chi O won and at least those two things were overalls. The houses don't mention those because none of those are the big prize everyone wants( HC,Using,Scandals and THE presidents trophy)

Reputation counts for a lot especially when girls go through recruitment. All the houses want the top girls. The cheer and Pom girls are wanted by the top
houses and can have their pick. It speaks volumes to house reputations.

It is sororities too-- where who you know matters, influential families and wealth matter too beauty is important too along with the obvious stuff. All those girls go to one of the 5 top houses at OU-- theta, kappa, piphi, chio and DDD

By: ^
by: ^^   

Chi O's pc placed in grades one time only, not their whole house. Kappa's whole house placed.

The president's trophy awards are overall for the category such as community involvement. Miracle Cup goes into community involvement for the president's trophy special awards.

The top houses want the president's trophy and the awards. They realize that the other things (hoco, using, scandals, etc) go into campus involvement along with a lot of other things.

True, reputation of the PNMs counts for a lot. In the top houses cheer and pom counts as one thing but the houses are looking for so much more. The middle houses are more one-dimensional and maybe that's where you're coming from. The top houses like cheer and pom girls with a 4 point who are national merit and PLC too. Influential families matters because of recs from alums which also matter for all the houses. More influential are high school and camps you went to and active members you know. And money? I don't know any house (maybe except yours???) where they are crass enough to look at a family's bank balance. Top houses would never even consider recruiting for wealth. They would consider themselves above that. Sorry.

Having said that, the five houses that consistently do the best in recruitment are Theta, Kappa, Tri Delta, Gamma Phi, and Pi Phi.

I have no problem with Chi O. I know some lovely Chi Os. They're just not a top house. My aunt was a Chi O in the 70s and I think they were then. :) I'm just ranking for now.

By: ^^
by: ^   

You don't have your facts correct. ChiO has been a top 5 house in grades on a regular basis. Another large fact you have wrong is GPB winning something big. The presidents trophy is big but the little awards are what ever. The smaller awards aren't for an entire book nor or they an overall placement for presidents trophy. It's on the level of Miracle Cup, Arbor Day award, etc,,,,,

Also Reputation is huge! Girls are cut on it alone regardless of any other factor, well it is for top houses.

FYI check last springs grade report. GPB had a pledge class with a 2.95 GPA and yes ChiO was A top 5 house in grades then too.

Every top house, including ChiO has lots of PLC and CAC girls in addition to cheer girls Pom girls and pretty girls, smart girls, and wealthy girls from influential families and all of the members believe in raising money for charity.

You seem a little fixated on Chi O but you really should get your facts straight or it's slander.

By: ^
by: Above   

You seem to be fixated on Gamma Phi! They are top 5 in grades every year. Last spring they were 2nd. That fall they were 3rd. If a couple of girls had lower grades, it's all right. They're still doing great and WON the Special Award for Academics.

President's Trophy special awards are very important to the top houses. Your insistence that they aren't important makes me think you're from a lower house that doesn't ever win.

Every house has cheer and pom girls. There are a lot and most are in sororities. Top houses look for girls that have other dimensions. Lower houses are glad to take girls with one outstanding trait. That's fine.

Everyone agrees that reputation is important. Lots of girls go through recruitment. Some have questionable reps out of high school. Those girls are not in the top houses. They are released.

No one is fixated on Chi O. You put them as a top house without justification. People are refuting it. The girl above said she's related to one, so she obviously doesn't hate them. They're just not a top house.

By: Above

If you're going on reputations, then Kappa is at the bottom. No grades or winning anything here can help them. So Kappa is not a "top" 5 house. Sorru girls ,that's the Naked truth!

By: hahaha
by: Above   

Do we need to call the police? You've been warned and you're still doing it.

By: Above

These are honest rankings.

By: accurate

These are the correct order. This group of top houses are all constantly placing in everything which is how houses are ranked in the first place.

By: yes

Based on successes, grades, and awards, this is correct.

By: Agreed

Chi O isn't in the top. They are in the middle to lower middle. They are very successful in fundraising (soonerthon) but in nothing else.

By: Chi O?

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