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Chi O's pc placed in grades one time only, not their whole house. Kappa's whole house placed. The president's trophy awards are overall for the category such as community involvement. Miracle Cup goes into community involvement for the president's trophy special awards. The top houses want the president's trophy and the awards. They realize that the other things (hoco, using, scandals, etc) go into campus involvement along with a lot of other things. True, reputation of the PNMs counts for a lot. In the top houses cheer and pom counts as one thing but the houses are looking for so much more. The middle houses are more one-dimensional and maybe that's where you're coming from. The top houses like cheer and pom girls with a 4 point who are national merit and PLC too. Influential families matters because of recs from alums which also matter for all the houses. More influential are high school and camps you went to and active members you know. And money? I don't know any house (maybe except yours???) where they are crass enough to look at a family's bank balance. Top houses would never even consider recruiting for wealth. They would consider themselves above that. Sorry. Having said that, the five houses that consistently do the best in recruitment are Theta, Kappa, Tri Delta, Gamma Phi, and Pi Phi. I have no problem with Chi O. I know some lovely Chi Os. They're just not a top house. My aunt was a Chi O in the 70s and I think they were then. :) I'm just ranking for now.
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