
transparent comments and advice for those rushing


So, Lily-Phi has been commenting on here, and seems to have the following listed as middle or lower tier and gave them all very low scores: DX, Pike, Aepi, Pi Kapp, TKE, Sig Ep, Alpha Sig, Sigma Chi, every fraternity except for DTD, which is mediocre. So any guy going on this site for information on fraternities, don't trust these rankings, same goes for girls in sororities, most of them are written by bitter, lowly girls or just in favor of one organization.

Show up to rush, go to parties, and find out for yourself what each fraternity is like, same goes for sororities.

Posted By: @"Lily-Phi"
Page 1 of 1

Yeah, I looked at Lily-Phi's comments and rankings, seems to uniformly hate fraternities..Not very accurate comments either, I think this website is kind of like Yelp, because who would make a comment on here without having been wronged. And your name is "geedy" a term which most non-greek students would not be familiar with, so you most likely are a bitter sorority girl, or someone in one of the fraternities not attacked by Lily-Phi, which is even more pathetic, the only ones not attacked were Phi Sig and DTD. DTD is forever a place for good friends but thats it really, and Phi Sig is just too scummy to ever be respected by anyone but their own overzealous egotistical members.

By: Yeah..

I mean lets be real, they're all pretty mediocre barring maybe EI and SAMMY

By: aser

You're seriously saying Sammy is cool? Sammy is the stupidest of all, they're a bunch of grimy, sloppy, creeps who think their fraternity still exists on campus. Nobody even knows who you are anymore, and nobody misses you guys either!

By: Really?

Who said that asap was a girl?

By: rocky

Believe, I'm a girl who has gone to a few EI parties and it seems like the girls love them. Just saying- I'm not here to advocate for anyone.

By: rocky

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The girls love EI because they're legitimately very cool guys

By: lol

In reading the various comments made by Lily-phi, I would have to agree with them. There are only a few and I mean a few fraternities that are good and ok. The rest are are just mediore or below. And the reason why this post was written in defense by the fraternities that were given low ranking, because it does speak the truth and these fraternities can't handle the truth. It scares them!!!

By: The Truth

ei is by far the best fraternity because they dont have to follow au rules and have the sickest parties/house

By: frat frat frat

For the record especially to the one who stated this discussion, TKE is under investigation and most likely will be shut down. That is one fraternity I commented on that is starting to come true. Let's see if there are any other fraternities I commented on that will end up like TKE. TIme will tell.


Tau Kappa Everyone......NOT ANYMORE!!!

By: These Guys?

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