
hazing rumours?


I'm rushing in the fall and I am really nervous about hazing, right now I am looking at the smaller ones (Alpha Pi Pi , Xi Delta Theta) but I have also heard that they haze more than the panhellenics can I get some details or at least some opinions about which sororities have the least hazing.

Posted By: Rushing
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can't comment to whether these two organizations haze but i can assure you that AOII and DPhiE don't haze (two of the internationals on campus)

By: hello

Alpha Pi Phi has a strict no hazing policy that is enforced across all of their chapters. I don't know anything concrete about Xi Delta Theta, only rumours and I'm not going to spread anything that I don't know to be true.

By: Good luck with rush :)
by: lol   

phi sig also has an anti hazing policy and that doesn't stop them... nice try app

By: lol

every organization has had hazing allegations at one point - most are probably not true. I would rush whatever sororities you feel most connected to and if hazing does occur stay strong and drop from that organization asap, report them so it can't happen to anyone else, and try for a different sorority the next semester! I wish you good luck as well!

By: honestly

Don't bother with Xi Delt, they'll be gone within the next couple years. APP's "hazing policy" just says hazing is bad, not that they don't condone it because they do (pretty sure they take inappropriate pics of their sisters to use as blackmail if they drop). Phi sig has toned down in the past few years, haven't done anything over the top in a long time. Dphie hazed when they were KDB, no idea about now. Aoii hasn't had any accusations in a long time, but again no idea if they're just quiet. Dpsid got kicked off campus for hazing and only came back recently. Tau sig pressures rushees into drinking during parties, not too sure about other stuff though.

By: Meh
by: Um   

APP's anti hazing policy is available on their website and it definitely says more than "hazing is bad". Can't speak for the rest though.

By: Um
by: Meh   

Hey APP!
I couldn't care less what your policy says to be honest, because you psychos don't follow it anyways. But have fun taking naked pics of your sisters to use as blackmail ammo in the future! Your "sisterhood" is great (actually it's pathetic, but wildly entertaining)

By: Meh
by: wow   

Why hasn't APP been reported already

By: wow
by: Also   

I'm just gonna put it out there that I have 0 evidence of this, I've only heard of people that do. However if anyone has proof of this happening to underagers, I urge you to go to the police. It stops being "cute" when they're kids.

By: Also
by: tru   

I have friends in a couple organizations that have talked about the pictures and said it's true, personally never seen them but they claim they have so.......

By: tru

whatever you do, don't rush APP

By: lol

Thank you! I think I am going to go through Panhellenic recruitment I've read over the website and I feel like the panhellenic website seems like the most trustworthy. Thanks everyone

By: Thx
by: Yep   

They definitely are and the experience is better tenfold

By: Yep
by: yes   

Couldn't agree more!

By: yes

De-pledged xdt because of the hazing. Apparently they did away with pledge bags (sisters were allowed to put whatever the wanted in these bags) but the way they treated pledges in general was pretty sad. Most locals do haze unfortunately whether its mild to severe. You're better off rushing an international.

By: hazing
by: Tbh   

What else did they do? Was it just treating pledges badly

By: Tbh
by: And..?   

This is the third time I've read about sisters giving the pledges bags and doing whatever they want to them. Is there anything else?? I feel like one rumour is just being repeated over and over

By: And..?
by: umm   

is peeing in a backpack not disgusting enough for you?

By: umm
by: Lol   

@umm oh it's MORE than enough, we just need to get more drama flowing until they take the hint and leave

By: Lol

Are you guys ever going to defend yourselves or just let these rumours spread?

By: @xidelt
by: Honest   

I don't think any xdt's even go on here

By: Honest
by: Haha   

So xdt has finally stopped by ^^^^ sad

By: Haha
by: Oh my god   

I'm not defending them, for the THIRD TIME, I am saying IF YOU HAVE EVIDENCE, REPORT THEM, if you don't, stop spreading rumours and grow up!! If they are hazing they should absolutely be shut down, but if they aren't, no one deserves to have rumours spread about them. Why is that so hard to grasp?

By: Oh my god
by: Um   

No one reports them because the community freeks out whenever it's mentioned, we're supposed to "have each other's back." If we start reporting xdt and app then there are frats that end up needing to be added to the mix of orgs that should be reported. Also, take a pill, drink a glass of wine, smoke one, do something, you^ are upright af... Pledges should know what they're getting into, if your org has something they're ashamed of then improve your org, don't cry about us talking about it

By: Um

Who is worse, tau Sig or app?

By: Um

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by: Positivity   

They're both great in their own ways.

By: Positivity
by: C   

For hazing, Tau Sig is worse. But in every other way - sisterhood, reputation, general sorority experience, APP is worse.

By: C

Im really disappointed to see the behaviour here. What other organizations do is not our business and spreading rumours about APPs or Xi delts or whoever the most recent rumours are circling around is not helping any of the groups in the Greek community. If we spread the rumours further it gives all of us a bad name. We should value maturity and representing ourselves the best we can without bashing other organizations because in the end we're all striving for the same thing. I just don't see the point in targeting each other like this. It reflects badly on all sororities.

By: Sad
by: ^   

Hazes ^

By: ^

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