
first round done!


how’s everyone feeling after first round? what houses did/didn’t you click with?

Posted By: pnm
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This is silly and stupid.
We met 2-4 member on zoom that’s it.
We were cut and we cut houses without ever meeting them.
I had awkward girls at tippy top houses and pretty and fun girls at low houses and meh at in between houses.
Just depends who you met.

By: Pmn 24
by: 24   

The craziest thing to me were the houses that only had you meet one person (this was like 6 of the 13 for me)! How are you supposed to judge a house by one person. If you didn't click or that person didn't like you (and vice versa) it's over. I only had one house that let you meet 4 people (and it was probably my favorite one!).

By: 24
by: Pmn 24   

I had a couple houses where I only met one person too.

My roommate had 6 of 8 with only single meetings and most were awkward

By: Pmn 24

I though meeting only one girl was a good sign. I wish someone in a house, who is kind could set us all straight.

By: Ugh

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by: srat   

hi i’m in a house here. basically it’s all what the sorority wants to do. meeting one girl vs 2-4 isn’t a bad or good thing it’s just the way we set ourselves up for recruitment. my house felt it would be beneficial for pnm’s to see more than one girl so you all can get a feel of what we’re like. also, it’s beneficial for us because we can have more opinions!

By: srat
by: xurious   

@srat do you know how many will get cut before the next round

By: xurious
by: Srat 2   

hey i’m also in a house and the number of girls you met really doesn’t signify anything. it’s really just however we practiced or had it set up and is different for every house. the numbers we get back next round are different for every house too

By: Srat 2

If in doubt, join the upper tier house. Benefits are hang with the upper tier frats and you likely will find girls you vibe with in every house! Good luck!!

By: helpful hint

It was just kind of weird because I was cut from houses without ever getting the opportunity to meet anyone :/

By: Pnm

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