
Why are chapters always against each other


From low tier frats snitching on other frats parties and worried about other frats to top tier sororities snitchin each other out and not liking each other .... WHY. We’re Greek life at UTSA and our own president hates the whole system of Greek life. We shouldn’t be against each other we should stand WITH EACH OTHER. either mind your own business or don’t go into other chapters business at all ! And you lie tier frats sometimes wonder why to tier wouldn’t do joint social events with y’all ... cause y’all hate either way Same with sororities smh. Blame IFC haha

Posted By: Yeeess sis
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100% agree, people gotta remind themselves that Greek life isn’t that serious and is so temporary. We gotta enjoy this while we can and not go down that negative route

By: Fact

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Maybe your chapter is just for 4 (or 5, or 6) years, but ours is for life. Further, this "Don't take things so serious" mentality is how chapters go down hill and get kicked off campus. You have to keep your standards high in your own organization, then help to spread that to the rest of greek life.

That being said, I think the hate against other orgs is completely ridiculous and driven largely by a few. Regardless, each greek organization needs to be cognizant of what their members are doing and saying. If there is a legitimate issue, it needs to be brought up with the leadership of the offending organization so they can take appropriate action. Praise in public, chastise in private.

Blasting people on social media never solves anything, it just causes them to go into hiding for a while till the heat is off.

By: Hold up...
by: ya   

Totally agree, I’m not saying we shouldn’t care at all but for the chapters that worry about what other chapters are getting into (snitching, shutting down their events before hand, spreading rumors all though they have no clue what the actual story is within that or any specific chapter) should be the ones minding their own business then. Bad influences and altercations are caused by pettiness and jealousy. Be on one side or don’t care at all is what I think OP is getting at. Although for some reason people don’t like the top tiers for whatever reason (TKE, ΚΣ, ATO) they STILL hang out with each other and have joint events ... why ? Because they realized they will be good in their own environment either way and aren’t acting so stuck up as if it’s a major rivalry ?!? TKE and Kappa sig supposedly have some huge frat rivalry yet they’re still buddies with each other in some way and have joint events every now and then. Y’all just gotta stop hating and you’ll have just as much fun as these top tiers. Trust me no one is snitching on a mid/low tier party ... lol

By: ya

Because UTSA takes low quality people and the lowest of the low will join Greek life

By: You guys are just losers
by: Your dad   

Shutup geed

By: Your dad

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