
Pi Kapp vs Phi Tau

by: Rankings

How do we feel about comparing these two, Pi Kapp seems like a group on the rise. Same could be said for Phi Tau, both are above Beta.

Posted By: Rankings
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: Pi kapp fan   

pi kapp guys have made me a big fan. Some hot guys in the freshman class.

By: Pi kapp fan
#2  by: my opinion   

My hot take is that I actually think PhiTau should be ranked higher than they usually are. I really like some of those boys

By: my opinion
#3  by: bruhhhhhhh   

theres no way u are comparing phi tau and pi kapp right now.

By: bruhhhhhhh
#4  by: bruhhhhhhh   

theres no way u are comparing phi tau and pi kapp right now.

By: bruhhhhhhh
#5  by: UTK special sauce   

Pi Kapp rising for sure.

By: UTK special sauce
#6  by: .   

yeah i’d say they’re on the same level they just have completely different vibes

By: .
by: ;Dec 15, 2023 9:38:20 PM

What about them is different?

By: ;

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