
regret and i need help


Hi guys!
I'm currently a sophomore at Cal - and I've held back on rushing at Cal because I was too scared to go for it. This spring, I've resolved to finally do it - and I really really like Zeta! I was wondering if being a sophomore rushing in spring would severely hurt my chances? I think the girls are all so sweet, and my reasons for rushing are genuine - I want to experience a strong sisterhood. Also, does anyone have any tips for rushing?
Thanks so much!

Posted By: Need Help
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Hi there! Some Spring rush events are invite only, so if you're interested in doing Spring rush, you should contact each sorority to let them know you're interested. Honestly, it doesn't matter that you're a sophomore. Just as long as you're genuine and interested, you'll be fine. sororitysugar.tumblr.com has some great rush tips if you're interested. Spring rush is apparently a lot less stressful and more relaxed than Fall formal, so don't worry about it.

By: Go for it!
by: Dpmt   

The worst thing you can do is limit yourself to one house. I suggest going to multiple houses, and seeing who you click with. I went through recruitment thinking I REALLY wanted one house, and after the first day, fell in love with another (which ended up being the house I'm in now).

My house isn't doing Spring Recruitment, but the best advice I can give is to go to a lot of events. Take the time to meet people, I wouldn't have found my sorority if it wasn't for meeting as many people as I could

By: Dpmt

Being a sophomore won't hurt your chances. ZTA is invite only, so if you're really interested, make sure you contact someone in ZTA if you know anyone, or email their recruitment chair.

By: some help
by: gogreek   

Invite-only usually just means you have to email their recruitment chair if you are interested in going, so just wait til more info is out, PHC should release that sometime in January (calphc.com)

By: gogreek
by: Yesgogreek   

Don't think you should wait til January to email houses you are interested in because houses who will be recruiting will be making plans over break whether they are doing invite only or something else.

By: Yesgogreek
by: do it!   

reply to yesgogreek - most sororities should have decided by this point if their spring rush events are invite only. The original poster should definitely email Zeta's Recruitment Chair :)

By: do it!

nothing will hurt your chances at ZTA! if you have a pulse we'll treat you like every other girl alive and bid you :) cant wait to potentially meet you!

By: zta

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