Pepperdine University - PU Greek Life Reviews

Pepperdine University - PU 6 2.29
  • Total Reviews: 6
  • Overall Grade:D+

Greek Life Report Card

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population:Small
  • Gender Ratio:Mostly Girls
  • Hazing:Less Common
  • Competition:Less Selective
  • 6 Reviews
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Pepperdine University - PU 1.0
By: anonymous Posted:

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Small
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective
Pepperdine University - PU 2.0
By: anonymous Posted:

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Small
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective
Pepperdine University - PU 4.0 Pepperdine has a good greek life scene. The trick is getting a bid. If your not in greek the dry campus will define your existence so rushing is def the move. If you are in greek there is lots of social events with amazing people and tons of fun. Although there is no greek row upperclassman live together off campus practically making frat/sorority houses.
By: AtoPosted:

Pepperdine has a good greek life scene. The trick is getting a bid. If your not in greek the dry campus will define your existence so rushing is def the move. If you are in greek there is lots of social events with amazing people and tons of fun. Although there is no greek row upperclassman live together off campus practically making frat/sorority houses.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective
Pepperdine University - PU 1.8 So sick of this pathetic, lame scene. All PeppU had going for it is the beach. No authentic college experience here. Way too small and filled with the same wealthy, white kids. I can’t wait to transfer outa here. Lame school with no school spirit. Feels a lot like a community college on a beach.
By: PeppewwPosted:

So sick of this pathetic, lame scene. All PeppU had going for it is the beach. No authentic college experience here. Way too small and filled with the same wealthy, white kids. I can’t wait to transfer outa here. Lame school with no school spirit. Feels a lot like a community college on a beach.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Small
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: No Hazing
  • Selection: Easy
Pepperdine University - PU 2.8 wish there was a bigger social scene. need more parties maybe even a couple more frats. overall if you're not in top there's not much to do. but if you don't rush its super dead.
By: yikesPosted:

wish there was a bigger social scene. need more parties maybe even a couple more frats. overall if you're not in top there's not much to do. but if you don't rush its super dead.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Very Small
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Average
Pepperdine University - PU 2.3 No houses, no hazing, no parties
By: Srat so hardPosted:

No houses, no hazing, no parties

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: Mostly Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective




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