
rush questions? 2017 freshman

by: greygal

Okay, so I'm going to be a freshman in Fall 2017. I definitely am going to rush to be in a sorority and just had a few things I wanted to ask/get opinions on!

-rankings. I see you house rankings on here but how do ya'll decide? Do general rankings matter that much?

-grades. What kind of grades do sororities look for? I have a 3.49 and take a lot of honors classes but my best friend has around a 3.0.. maybe a little below maybe a little above? I think like a 2.9, though. Will she still get a house?

-getting into a house. Do some girls not get ANY bids? Not including girls w bad grades.

-houses to avoid. I know everyone has preferences, but are there any houses to avoid? Not because of personal bias but for good reason? Obviously I want to love my house and so I wanna know the bad houses/stuff about them, but not everything bad is always out in the open so I'd love to know.

-What are houses looking for besides grades, "clicking", and a positive attitude?

-Do most girls get one of their top houses..? I'm confused about selectivity.
Thank you!!

Posted By: greygal
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#1  by: sorority   

- top house AXO and ADG (aphi slowly going down)
- anything above about 2.8 will get you in (some houses more selective)
- everyone gets a bid
- AOpi doesn't have functions and will take anyone

By: sorority
by: AlsoMar 20, 2017 5:19:58 AM

Nothing on this website is true. Axo is not top....they don't do anything and don't win anything. Aopi is just as selective as anyone else and of course they have functions etc. when rushing, you go to every house so you can't "avoid" anyone etc

By: Also
by: noMar 29, 2017 8:53:33 AM

This slandering of aopi is not true and terrible. just stop

By: no
by: Love themMar 30, 2017 1:12:03 PM

AOPi is great! Lambdas love them and loved their philanthropy!!!

By: Love them
by: False...Jul 7, 2017 8:29:28 PM

This is not the consensus...axo and agd rarely participate in anything....so can't be top...find the one you like...

By: False...
#2  by: panhellenic   

rankings: Ignore them. This is a site for trolls and rumor-starters. Let them have their fun--you think a kinder way.

grades: Every home has individual standard, sometimes far above recruitment's minimum. Rush with the campus minimum or better, be your sweet selves, follow all recruitment rules about choosing your homes, and you and your friend may be bid.

getting into a house: There are a very few women who get no home. It is a true rarity. Follow all the important recruitment rules and you should have no problem.

houses to avoid: None. There are no 'bad' homes. Panhel, the 26 national sorority HQs and the campus have official ways of removing them if they are 'bad'.

what are they looking for?: Willingness to work for the betterment of man thru individual, and especially group, actions.

do most get their top house?: PNMs have their ideals about Top Houses bent but not broken. Top houses are so popular they must cut the highest number of women during rush. That's an NPC rule agreed to by all 26 NPC sororities. Unfortunate pnm's get mad about that rule since everyone doesn't get invited to the Top Houses. They drop out of rush and come on greekrank to complain instead of attending their invites to the mid-low homes. Don't be that person; have an open mind and a generous heat about recruitment.

By: panhellenic
by: ThxApr 3, 2017 11:15:21 PM

This was a great post! Agreed

By: Thx
by: YesJul 7, 2017 6:13:15 PM

"Think a kinder way" love this, thank you

By: Yes
by: Frat dude Jul 7, 2017 8:26:39 PM

Hey...the goal for women rushing is to get in a sorority. My sister had a great experience...but if you're rushing to get in only that "one" special house, you're gonna have problems...get in a house and make it what you want it to be.

Joining the Greek system is the goal...

By: Frat dude
by: NopeAug 16, 2017 8:29:34 PM

This site is a joke. Pretend you asked someone for their opinion on best football schools....they are gonna say their favorites. Doesn't mean they are right....

By: Nope
#3  by: Ugh   

My best advice is drop the high school way of thinking. For real. Don't worry about what your best friend is doing, odds are you will drift apart if you open yourself up to meet new people. Rankings are ridiculous. Stop worrying about status.

By: Ugh
#4  by: Ugh   

And don't ever ask which houses to avoid! You can't make important decisions based on other people's opinions

By: Ugh
#5  by: Cant   

You can't avoid any houses....you visit them all. Have fun. Remember the goal is to get IN one

By: Cant
#6  by: sororitygal   

1.) I wouldn't pay any attention to rankings on Greek Rank. It's just so all over the place, anyone can write anything. And you'll just get a feel of everything as you go through the process. But give every house a chance. I can honestly say that you will end up in the right house.
2. With you're grades, you're bound to be fine. Houses like Theta and Kappa are slightly more selective in terms of the grade requirements
3. You're almost bound to get a bid if through every round you "maximize your options". That'll make sense as you go through the process but that really shouldn't be something you worry about. Just show up to every party you're invited to and rank all your options through voting.
4. Like previously said, you can't really avoid any house, since during the first round you have to go to every house, so that's not something to really take into consideration
5. Each house sets their own set of "guidelines" each year before recruitment for what they're looking for. Community involvement, school involvement, sports, grades are all thing that go into consideration. Also there the legacy/influence aspect so whether or not your mom/aunt/sister/grandma/step-sister etc etc... But then of course just how much you "click".
6.etting your top house or not, it's extremely hard to say. It just depends who you have on pref night, but if you get to pref night then just know it means a house pretty much wants you and then it just comes down to numbers

By: sororitygal

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