Carnegie Mellon University - CMU Discussion

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new rankings for fall 24 By: Greekrank   Last Post:

Sororities Theta Aphi Kappa + DG TriDelt AXO Frat Sigep SAE + Phi Delt Pike ...Read More

By: Greekrank   Last Post:

Started: Jun 21, 2024 7:07:21 AM
F24 frat/sorority ranks By: cmutartan   Last Post:

Top SigEp SAE/Pike Mid 4. PhiDelt Top Theta/DG Mid APhi/KKG...Read More

By: cmutartan   Last Post:

Started: Jun 21, 2024 1:57:56 PM
DG b hella randos now By: facts   Last Post:

I used to follow but every post I be like...Read More

By: facts   Last Post:

Started: Apr 16, 2024 11:50:56 AM
Srat and Frat rank, bc frat rank is always wrong By: :o   Last Post:

Frats Top: Sae SigEp Phidelt/Pike (dif vibes for dif ppl) Middle: Aepi Asig Bottom: SigNu SigChi Sororities To p: Dg Theta/Aphi Middle: Kappa Tridelt Bottom: AchiO ...Read More

By: :o   Last Post:

Started: Dec 19, 2023 5:39:15 PM
New frat/srat rankings for spring rush By: aaahhh   Last Post:

Frats Top 1. SigEp (hottest/best PC) 2. Pike 3. SAE? (if they're back) Mid/Bottom 4. PhiDelt 5....Read More

By: aaahhh   Last Post:

Started: Dec 4, 2023 9:43:31 PM
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wtf phi delt ?? By: lmfao   Last Post:

tf was that ass of a party yday. whoever said...Read More

By: lmfao   Last Post:

Started: Oct 1, 2023 5:53:44 PM
sorority ranking based on rush so far By: Ooo   Last Post:

As a pnm I feel like: 1. DG 2. Aphi 3. Kappa 4. Theta 5....Read More

By: Ooo   Last Post:

Started: Sep 24, 2023 12:42:48 AM
Chandra Jogani= A CRIMINAL MONGREL By: INDIA   Last Post:

चंद्रा जोगानी और उनके पति शिकारी गिरोह हैं और वे...Read More

By: INDIA   Last Post:

Started: Aug 7, 2023 12:29:56 PM
Read before rushing By: Rate   Last Post:

top: theta | pike (should have been SAE) upper: DG, Aphi...Read More

By: Rate   Last Post:

Started: Jul 30, 2023 12:58:56 PM
Happy fall rush By: Ha   Last Post:

Here’s the unbiased rankings of frats and srats. And as...Read More

By: Ha   Last Post:

Started: Jun 19, 2023 10:39:00 AM
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