
biggest differences between the top sororities?


what are the biggest differences between alpha phi, adpi, dg, aephi,... surrounding who they mix with, philanthropy, types of girls, who parties the most, etc...?

Posted By: terriers
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wondering same thing

By: werkrjebdk

yeah what makes each of them different

By: relatable

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by: b    


By: b

you'll look learn all of this during recruitment! just trust the system

By: recruitment

Mostly the type of girls in each is different. Alpha phi girls are pretty heavy headed but known to look cool. They mix a lot with Harvard. Aephi mixes with kappa sigma mostly and they are such a chill fun sorority. ADPI is pretty similar to that but they are less chill and mix more with pike than kappa sig. not really sure where dg is anymore or what they do.

By: sorority gal
by: yup    

id say this is very accurate

aphi is really chill girls who are known for good conversations, being cool and attractive
adpi is definitely less chill but very social, mix with the same people as alpha phi, definitely hot but have their quirky eccentric girls as well
aephi I would say best sisterhood of any chapter at BU, more of a mix of types of girls but at this point they're probably number 3 tied with KD, social/ chill
DG used to be top but the past two years at recruitment just did not stand out. Too much of a mix of girls you can't even get a vibe from them. Still really cool girls can be found in their chapter but they're just not as visible as usual

By: yup
by: ...   

okay hEY aephi

By: ...

could you do other info? like on kd and gamma phi too?

By: more info!
by: sorority   

KD and GPhi are pretty similar, KD being a bit more peppy and also sometimes cliquey. GPhi is changing as the seniors are very different from the younger pledge classes, who are generally more edgy and diverse, and less preppy.

By: sorority


By: terriers

What do you mean when you say Alpha Phi is "heavy handed"? Some people are saying they are not as strong as they used to be. is that true?

By: help
by: 2019   

ya this stands. they used to be top but have gotten pretty fake. someone said above. aphi is hot which gets them far but not a lot else going on. people need to move past teirs... gphi gets down harder than any of the other mentioned houses.

By: 2019

agree with most of the above points

adpis current pledge class is wayyy different than years prior making them way more diverse and real but still do a lot of the same bs dirty rushing

dg ‘s current pledge class is also pretty different than uears prior, the girls are more real more diverse and way less typical sorority but love to party with chi phi and harvard finals club
really picky about what parties are “worth it” but go out together a lot

alpha phi is not different and will never change dont be fooled by their recruitment

By: emmad

adpi's current and recent pledge classes have definitely brought them to the level that alpha phi has been considered in the past, but for different reasons. alpha phi is often considered a "good" sorority because of their normal, basic classic "sorority" girls, but adpi's have been known to have a stronger sisterhood and are seen as more genuine, while still being very good looking. both have great girls, but they are cool in very different ways

By: //
by: !   

okay this is the vibe i got but was not sure. it seems like theyre better friends/ more real but also aphi so pretty idk which i like more

By: !


By: Yup

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