
Keeping it real


To the amazing girls going through recruitment without connections, stay positive! I know it’s scary thinking your doomed before you even begin. You took time getting recs, picking out outfits, learning about the sororities ect.... I know reading this site can be depressing. Recruitment really is different at uark then most other schools. At Alabama for example you can basically tell if a girl is in a top house based on her looks. It is simply not like that here. If you have above a 3.4 , a rec letter, some involvement in high school or your community then you check all the boxes to not get an automatic cut. That obviously leaves most girls going through recruitment still in the pile. Being a legacy will highlight you but most sororities have up to a hundred legacies going through, therefore a whole lot of legacies get cut. Looks is a plus but having someone on the inside pulling for you outweighs that. Recruitment sucks in the fact that it stings getting your schedule and having houses cut you that never even had a chance to get to know you. You still have a chance to connect with someone during recruitment, but if you don’t get that lucky then please please know that you will still have an awesome greek experience and you will find girls just like you in your sorority! 90 percent of frat guys do not care what sorority you in. Your not allowed to wear your letters to their parties anyway. Everyone knows how recruitment works here and you will not be looked down upon! Wear your letters proudly and know that you were chosen and wanted🙂

Posted By: Greek girl
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By: !

This is such an accurate post! I would like to add a thing about connections greek girl touched on when she said your “ connections” may not think your a good fit. I have said this previously on this site but I will never forget the girl who was in my group who loudly announced multiple times a day “ I am going to be a zeta! I have lots and lots of friends who are zetas!” Then with a scowl on her face complained about standing in a line at a lower tier house and “ wasting her time”. I wish I was joking but this is a true story. So guess what? On pref day when she was fully expecting to see zeta on her schedule she did not. She had two houses. One house that is usually ranked “lower middle” and one lower tier house. It’s mean I know but myself and some other girls in my group thought about how karma is real and she was now going to pref night for the very house she announced was a “ waste of her time”. So please pnm’s keep your opinions to yourself during recruitment. You don’t want to have to eat your words like that girl did! And yes ALL houses have awesome girls!! Y’all will see that during recruitment. IF it happens in August!😩🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

By: Yes!
by: Laughing!!!!!    

I read this and died laughing cuz obviously we were in the same group. I knew exactly who she was talking about 😂

By: Laughing!!!!!
by: Who   

Oh my gosh who is it?? Give us a name! This girl needs to be called out!😂

By: Who
by: Wps   

If we are in person On campus in the fall won’t we have rush also?!?

By: Wps
by: ??   

Probably will have rush if we return but who knows? Kinda hard to socially distance 300 active members and 100 PNMs in a 15 minute party. The university might force some procedural changes 🤷‍♀️

By: ??
by: omg   

yooo ok i think i know who you are talking about. not wanting to name drop but for conversation round were on on the first day and was your first house dg? lmao because i met a girl that was in my big group who did that exact same thing and im wondering if it was the same girl haha. not cool at all she was rude to one of my friends about it and then my friend ended up getting a bid from zeta so its funny how it works out!

By: omg
by: but like   

but a name drop wouldn't be so bad either haha

By: but like
by: To omg...   

No my first house was not dg. You mean there was another one? 😬

By: To omg...
by: ...hmmm...   

Did she accept a bid?

By: ...hmmm...
by: Yes!   

Yes, she accepted a bid and to her credit from what I have seen of her she has made the most of her experience and seems happy:)

By: Yes!
by: Wow   

Wow I would be really hurt if I had a lot of friends in a house and I got cut. She shouldn’t talk down other houses but still. I wonder if she stayed friends with these zetas??

By: Wow

Good advice!



By: Yes

Also ladies please remember that your awesomeness & self-worth has zero to do with whether you are invited back to visit XYZ house or not. Alot of times it is just numbers.

You are given a target number of chapters to release each round (you have to release 3). Each chapter is also given a target number to release, but this is specific to each house. If there are 1500 PNM's & each chapter has a different number of invites each round to end up with a PC of 120 new members, we have to release more girls than we want to as well. Maybe chapter ABC needs to release 125 the first day, but XYZ needs to release 750 the first day. So you definitely could have a great convo with an active member but so did the girl sitting next to you....it is hard for you & for us!!

But as cliche as it sounds, the process works. Trust the process! For large universities, The University of Arkansas has the highest percentage of bids given out in the nation! You got this!

By: Numbers.....
by: To be fair...   

To be fair, I am in a top house and I think the process sux for girls going through with no connections. The process is set up to maximize the number of girls getting a bid day and I don’t really see how else they can do it but it still sux for girls that get cut pretty hard just because they didn’t have connections or luck of the draw ended up with someone at the door that they just didn’t click with. It is what it is I suppose.

By: To be fair...
by: Wow   

Learning how it all works it seems impossible for lower tier sororities to move up right? If everyone in my group has ### sorority left on round two, and only a small amount has xyz sorority left, then it seems to me those top xyz sororities would never get cut?? Leaving them to always be top because of the whole supply and demand theory. Is it just like that at uark or all colleges?

By: Wow
by: wps   

Numbers, I can see you aren't Greek.

By: wps
by: @ Wow   

It is like that everywhere. Just search a different school here on GR & you will find similar threads. Recruitment is designed for the maximum # of girls to get bids from the Panhellenic system. The only way for that to occur is for the historically most desired houses to cut early & then rarely do PMM's cut them - that supply/demand thing. So no, houses dont move tiers much, but every girl thinks her house is the best & doesn't care what it says on GR!

My story: I'm out of state and on paper a desired PNM (4.0, cheer/dance, lots of service hours, some family $$). But after stalking the Insta pages and reading GR, I mentally wrote off the top 2 here, but no way would I cut them. I was really surprised that during Round 1 I loved one of them & Round 2, that house invited me back. I was super sad to see I wasnt invited to their Sisterhood party, but on that day when I got to the house I ended up getting a bid from, I got chills and happy tears before, during & after my house's party.

My point is that if the "top" house was still on my invite list, I might have wasted my time at the other parties & not paid enough attention at the right place FOR ME! My house is my TOP house no matter what GR says.

By: @ Wow
by: Yes   

Yes, I can see how unfair it appears but before they started requiring top houses to cut larger amounts of girls than a lower tier house there were a lot of girls distraught on bid day with no bid. A girl could have a perfect rush, having her choice of what two houses to pref then on bid day not be high enough of either list ( because they would have to reduce down from like 500 girls to 100 girls the last night) and be left out of getting a bid. This use to happen to many girls. Lower houses would also struggle to fill a pledge class because of this unfair system. This way it actually spreads out all the amazing quality girls from the top tier to the lower tier. It’s just great to go greek and can be fun whatever house your in!

By: Yes

This is exactly what I was trying to say/get at a week or so ago. The middle/lower tiered houses will always stay that way even though they might have great girls...girls that couldn’t get into a top house just because they didn’t have a connection on the inside. So girls going through rush see these rankings and just have to set their sights on a lower house because that’s all they can realistically hope for. Which may not be a bad thing...I do wonder if any of the top houses wish they could go through rush blindly and pick who they want, not who they are told to pick before rush even starts. 😔

By: This!
by: Agree   

I agree! Definitely lots of “top house” girls in middle AND lower houses. That’s also what makes every single house here great, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

By: Agree
by: Me   

I agree, it’s definitely not a bad thing! The mid-lower houses are able to actually pick great girls they click with instead of being told which girls they had to pick! Also the reason we see such strong sisterhoods in those mid-lower houses. ❤️

By: Me

Apparently this needs a bump

By: bc

And bump!

By: Bumper

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This needs a big bump right now!

By: !!!!

This thread is good advice- something rarely seen on Greekrank.

By: Thank you

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