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Poster Name:
Greek girl

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Keeping it real<br /><br /> Poster Message:
To the amazing girls going through recruitment without connections, stay positive! I know it’s scary thinking your doomed before you even begin. You took time getting recs, picking out outfits, learning about the sororities ect.... I know reading this site can be depressing. Recruitment really is different at uark then most other schools. At Alabama for example you can basically tell if a girl is in a top house based on her looks. It is simply not like that here. If you have above a 3.4 , a rec letter, some involvement in high school or your community then you check all the boxes to not get an automatic cut. That obviously leaves most girls going through recruitment still in the pile. Being a legacy will highlight you but most sororities have up to a hundred legacies going through, therefore a whole lot of legacies get cut. Looks is a plus but having someone on the inside pulling for you outweighs that. Recruitment sucks in the fact that it stings getting your schedule and having houses cut you that never even had a chance to get to know you. You still have a chance to connect with someone during recruitment, but if you don’t get that lucky then please please know that you will still have an awesome greek experience and you will find girls just like you in your sorority! 90 percent of frat guys do not care what sorority you in. Your not allowed to wear your letters to their parties anyway. Everyone knows how recruitment works here and you will not be looked down upon! Wear your letters proudly and know that you were chosen and wanted🙂
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