
Really have a chance?


Does a really pretty girl with a 4.0 GPA, studious personality, and NOT a legacy really have a chance with the top houses? Or are the top houses already taken before rush even starts?

Posted By: Confident
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I guess you think you're a hot commodity.

By: ?
by: Confident   

Yep. I know my worth.

By: Confident
by: To confident   

By saying “yep I know my worth’ your implying your only worthy of a top house. There are tons of pretty, smart girls that didn’t have connections to make a top house. Or girls that had connections but their “connections” didn’t feel they would be a good fit. Again, there are pretty, smart girls in every single sorority and your no more worthy than them. Good luck

By: To confident

I’m going to keep it real with you. If you have no connections IN HOUSE, no chance. You have to have active members in the house during recruitment screaming your name from the rooftop, and even that isn’t a guarantee.

BUT, if you’re only interested in what you consider to be a top house and think you’re too pretty or smart for any other houses, you should just stop now. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment. ALL houses have pretty girls. ALL houses have smart girls with a 4.0. My best advice is don’t shut yourself off from giving every single house an honest chance. You WILL find others just like you no matter which house you end up calling home. Good luck.

By: Well

Out of a potential pledge class of 115, there may be 1-2 unknowns who do get a bid. Best of luck.

By: ???

Not trying to sound mean or rude but a pretty girl with a 4.0 isn’t anything special during recruitment. There are sooooooooo many girls that fall into that category. Like it was said above, give all houses a chance and you’ll find where you belong.

By: Real talk

With this attitude you will not go far during recruitment.

By: Stop now
by: Ummm   

I know my worth???? She did NOT just say that😂

By: Ummm

Well top houses do know who they want before rush starts. Yes, there are at the MOST three girls that impress someone enough during recruitment that end up on that list but that’s a tiny number compared to ALL the girls that go through recruitment. Your gpa is great but it’s a box that gets checked. Above a 3.4? Check! And a lot of girls obviously get that check. Pretty? Well that describes ALOT of girls as well. So if your looking for a bid from kappa, zeta, pi phi ect.... with zero connections than good luck. Chi o maybe up in the air this recruitment but I predict will still get most of the girls they want. And like the previous poster said one is connection is simply one connection. It takes lots and lots of girls to want you to be there sister, not just one or two. Pretty, smart awesome girls is every single sorority here and you will see that if you keep an open mind during recruitment.

By: Me

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No offense but I really hope you don’t end up in my house... and I’m in a top house :/

By: lol
by: Confident   

Ok, so then tell me do the top houses look down on other girls who are completely qualified to be in a top house, but couldn’t get in for the simple fact that nobody local was pulling for them? So the other sororities just accept that they are considered “lowly” and are ok with that? 🙁

By: Confident
by: uhh   

You are delusional. Girls who talk to you during recruitment can easily pick out this attitude and I’ll tell you that you won’t get anywhere with this. You have the attitude of a chi o but I know for a fact even chi o won’t want you. I don’t like chi o but I can “confident”ly say that they are way too good for you.

I’m embarrassed for you as well. You obviously have some weird superiority complex that needs to be taken care of. Also houses you would consider lower “know their worth” and know that they’re amazing. By the way I’m also in a top house and coming from a “top house” I think those lower houses are equally as amazing if not more. You’ll be easy to see through and I genuinely think you don’t deserve any house because this behavior is disgusting and embarrassing.

There are no qualifications to be in a any house it’s just if you fit in best and they genuinely like you and if you have the connections and honey you don’t have any of those going for you. Also IP addresses are super easy to track and you’ve given a lot away. Everyone who has seen this post will be looking out for you and sis it won’t be in a good way. Good luck.

By: uhh

lol somebody come get her we don’t want her. AGD???

By: From: all top houses
by: heck no    

come on now! we want to build another great house not doom them from the start!

By: heck no

@confident, sororities look at this website and see PNMs like you with an attitude problem. NO sorority tolerates an attitude problem regardless of how amazing the girl may be. Not taking rep risks are WAYYYYY more important than taking a “qualified” girl. You can be removed from lists before recruitment even starts by posting these comments. You’ve already revealed that you are out of state, have a 4.0, pretty, and your attitude will probably be recognizable. They can narrow down in order to make sure they do not take you, a obvious rep risk. People can easily figure out who you are. Be careful on this site, you can very easily doom yourself before recruitment even starts.

By: you’re dooming yourself

I hope you lose this attitude before recruitment. Girls can and WILL find out who you are. I’m sad for you. Remember that karma is a real thing.

By: wow

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