


Honestly I feel like this website is pointless because no matter how much a house improves or falls people will always have their same mind set on what the rankings are. Am I right?

Posted By: Go dawgs
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I agree! I think that on this site people always rank groups by the way things have been for the past few years and they don't take into account that some groups have gotten a lot better in the past couple of years and others have gone down. Regardless of what some people may post on here I think that everybody on campus knows that there are changes happening within the ranks and are happy to see some changes.

By: Yes!

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by: Hmmm   

Every girl should think her house is the best while showing respect for the members of other groups. This site could be useful in promoting Greek life not tearing each other down. The fact remains that People rank the same because overall changes don't happen after "a few years". Overall changes come after a decade or more of consistency. One or two good pledge classes don't skyrocket a group to top just as one or two average pledge classes don't bring down a chapter that has been top 3 or 4 for 25+ years. Top groups consistently pledge top girls, retain those members, and consistently have leadership positions across campus. Top groups have large numbers of members involved in campus groups. Top groups may not win a big competition each year but they consistently place in campus competitions.

By: Hmmm
by: State   

I totally understand what you're saying, but it seems that some sororities and fraternities have been improving/declining enough in the past several years or more to possibly be moved up or down

By: State

There is an ebb and flow to every sorority. Each has its years of super strength and its years of mediocrity. While several chapters have improved greatly and closed the gap between tiers, it will take a long standing top house having a giant scandal and not being able to recover and another house stepping up to take their place before ranks really change. Thinking ranks change after a rush is false. It's about everything each PC does the 4 years they're here and the effect that has on the high schoolers wanting to rush. In my opinion, it really takes about 10 years for a group to solidify a different place in the ranks. You have to cycle through multiple PCs all 4 years and have the same consistency to be thought of any different. Otherwise it's just an ebb and flow.

By: Truthfully

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