
girls bid day


So how do the sorority PCs look? Obviously this is just based on paper and who you were rushing all week that you know went certain houses. The real test is after this first semester. BUT preliminary, how do they stack up?

Posted By: STATEment
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XO came out on top as always. DG and Phi Mu slipped a bit. Zeta has a surprisingly great pledge class. Same with Pi Phi, it seems they are rising rapidly. ADPi got the leftovers.

By: msu
by: And   

KD is right up there with Chi O. Those 2 got the top pledge classes

By: And
by: @and   

No mam kd did not get top girls.

By: @and

XO, KD, and DG were expected. XO seems tip top, but after them dominating last year that was a given. KD looked great, DG too. They got the girls they wanted. I honestly thought Phi Mu would rock it but I think they missed a lot of girls. A good amount of the girls they pref'd chose XO/KD/DG over them, and a large amount also pref'd Phi Mu and DDD/Pi Phi and chose either DDD or Pi Phi. A good 1/3 of Phi Mu's class is top that XO/KD/DG wanted too, but I was very surprised by the rest! With that being said WOW DDD AND Pi PHi!! GREAT rush for these 2! A ton of girls that went DDD I thought were shoo in's for top tier and it didn't work out for whatever reason. I wouldn't be surprised if DDD was jumping over Phi Mu this year. Pi Phi also did great, and Zeta continued their upward trend. Don't know much about ADPi, but it was their 2nd rush so probably not wonderful but they have shined in areas already so I'm excited to see whats to come from them!

By: Observations
by: Please...   

Calm.Down.DDD. Good grief. Barely 24 hours after bids are given out and you know all about the choices "tons" of girls made. You don't. You really don't. You say nice to lukewarm about other groups to try and make your comments seem somehow sincere. You got lovely girls. Everyone got lovely girls. Stop posturing. It makes you look desperate.

By: Please...
by: Observations   

No sweetie I'm actually a Chi O. I think our PC was top, as I should. I think KD and DG also did great. And since I know who the top houses were rushing and which ones everyone go, those are my observations about Phi Mu and DDD. DDD killed it and Phi Mu should be worried, but by the looks of your comment y'all already are.

By: Observations
by: I don't know..   

..who "Please" is - it very well could be a Phi mu. I really don't know how they did. Bid Day was only yesterday, after all. But, one thing I know for certain is that "Observations" is not a Chi O. Believe me, Chi O couldn't care less who Phi Mu or DDD or anyone else got yesterday. And they definitely wouldn't be on here saying someone may be "jumping over someone else this year". That's rather classless. And, of course, don't know who was on other sororities' bid list and in what position. Nor do they REALLY know in what order PNMs listed the sororities they preffed. I hear DDD did well this year. I also hear that ZTA did equally well. Let's just all go enjoy our new members.

By: I don't know..
by: @observation   

I am a phi mu. Please be assured that I am in no way worried about anything this year.
In fact you don't need to be concerned with our chapter at all. We have 87 smart, energetic, stunning young phi's that we all adore and can't wait to get to know. I'm glad your thinking about us but please just go enjoy your own sisterhood and try not to get worked up about rank because IF you are in fact in a so called top group, you have lowered yourself to the bottom with such juvenile comments.

By: @observation
by: @observation   

Chi o should be ashamed of your ranting! You assume way too much and really are tarnishing the chi o name by even getting on here. Fact is kd phi mu and dg did very very well with their #1 choices and you really shouldn't try to belittle that. You have no idea who preffed what and chose what! Please just get on with your classes and get over the ranking thing.

By: @observation
by: Sorry @observation   

Not sure where you got your info but phi mu did rock it! 86 beautiful, talented, energetic girls all from pref night! Absolutely no way for you to know who was on their 1st list...... All anyone knows is the two pref parties girls went to and then bids they received. Only your sorority knows their #1s. More than sure chi o kd phi mu and dg cross rushed girls and all 4 should be more than pleased with their final list! Please try to play nice btw, what sorority are you??? Cause you are a mean spirited girl.

By: Sorry @observation
by: Not sorry   

Observations here, not responding to the rude girls from above. But to "sorry @" I already answered that, I'm a Chi O and I know for a fact Phi Mu lost a lot of girls they really wanted, and way more than they care to admit to DDD and Pi Phi. I'm totally happy for everyone, but I'm a bit over listening to Phi Mu brag about themselves and not give credit to other DDD or Pi Phi.

By: Not sorry

Recruitment seemed to go well with all of the sororities. Chi O got some really great girls and so did Tri D. I am looking forward to seeing all of the great things all of the chapters will do this year. Whoever called the girls that went ADPi leftovers has got to be the tackiest person ever. All girls and women that went through recruitment deserve to be complimented not torn down. You need to learn manners and just be happy with your own new pledges. You shouldn't be concerned with what girls any chapter got but your own. Good luck with all of your events this year ladies!

By: So tacky...

#1. It is recruitment, not rush.
#2. I wasn't impressed with DG's pledge class this year.
#3. This seemed to be THE YEAR for legacies.. there were so many!
#4. Chi O pledged got a lot of really pretty girls this year.
#5. ZTA and ADPi pledges were easy to pick out.
#6. Pi Phi got lots of girls that I didn't expect to go Pi Phi.
#7. DDD pledges look exactly like DDD pledges.
#8. KD's look very versatile.
#9. Phi Mu took a lot of the same types that they always take.
#10. I think girls are finally realizing that not everybody can be in the top 3 chapters. You HAVE to go through recruitment with an open mind and cannot get upset when you are dropped by your favorite.
#11. You don't want a chapter that doesn't want you back.

By: Recruitment
by: Woof.   

You seem like zero fun. I think DG has a good PC, time will tell. Chi O did get a lot of pretty girls, definitely an amazing PC. How RUDE about ZTA and ADPi. There girls looked happy just like everyone else. Pi Phi did well, congrats to them. DDD PC's is awesome and they did really well themselves, no need to be condescending. KD got a great PC too. Phi Mu as well. Maybe try being POSITIVE about everyone, huh?

By: Woof.

Wow, if you read through this thread as an outsider you can see that for whatever reason not one nice thing was said about phi mu. Sure makes the people that get on here look really like mean girls.... Please claim your sorority when you make comments so we can see just who is in the mean girl groups.I do happen to know that there is no way for you to know about choices 608 girls made especially pref night. You remember if your higher on your second choice than your first then you get your second choice. So you will never know unless you speak with these girls personally.
There is not one sorority that got all 86, 87, or 88 girls they wanted . Not even chi o.
Like it or not phi mu got 87 beautiful girls that they wanted and couldn't be happier just like I hope everyone feels. Enjoy your own girls and try not to worry about rank.... Come back around Christmas if you want to brag.time will tell who got the involved, ambitious pledge class. All 8 got a group they should be proud of!

By: Just
by: So?   

Were 2 new members omitted from the list Phi Mu posted on their Facebook page of their new "Phis"? There were/are only 85 listed there.

By: So?

Phi mu got 86 new members and yes one name has been added.

By: @so?
by: Ok   


By: Ok

As a greek member from the 1980's, it seems that the bickering has not improved much over the years. I have kept up with sorority rush trends throughout the years at MSU. All of these 8 sororities gave it their all during recruitment week. I should know; my daughter went through the process. She spoke highly of all the sororities each night as we discussed her choices. It would help the entire system if all of you would support each chapter in positive ways. Sure, there are 4 sororities that have very big help from their alumni with money and programs and the PNM consider them "the top four". But there is a place for everyone. A few really good new members can turn a chapter around and cause people to take a look at what that group has to offer. I have seen it happen. I am thrilled my daughter chose Phi Mu as her new home away from home but I am equally thrilled with each of the other 7 groups as it seems that they all chose some outstanding girls. As for the person that said Phi Mu chose the type of girls they always choose, I say they must choose very well. The 6 girls from our VERY LARGE Mississippi school that chose Phi Mu are all on academic scholarships, were leaders of clubs/organizations, campus beauties/homecoming maids, community activists, and involved heavily in different church groups. If these are the kinds of girls Phi Mu chooses each year, then my daughter chose a great group to be with that have common values with her. All of the others did just as well!

By: Greekalum
by: Dear Mom   

Not sure if you realized it but you just announced that you are the Mom of a Madison Central girl who pledged Phi Mu. If my mother were on here I would not be happy. At least one other group pledged 6 MC girls with equally impressive grades, scholarships, and resumes. I feel sure that MC girls pledged all of the 8 sororities.

EVERY sorority wants that type girl!

By: Dear Mom
by: Oh mom,    

Pi Phi pledged 7 MC girls.. We MUST be better than a top 4! Oh, and we have amazing help from our alum. But, we've only been here for 6 years so we're really bottom tier.

You notice Phi Mu girls because they are normally cheerleaders or blondes. But a lot of Pi Phi's pref Phi Mu. People really need to be careful what they say on this website. It is all someone's opinion and some people tend to give too much information.

Y'all, you can never know what to expect when going through rush. All chapters at State have something GREAT to offer to the Starkville community!

By: Oh mom,
by: Holy crap.   

That's the problem with Phi Mu actually. The tradition top 3 RARELY pledge more than 4-5 girls from 1 school. Often just 2-3, but maybe more depending on how big the school is. Phi Mu takes clumps of girls from these schools and don't diversify their PCs. Between that and the pink and the party girl rep, I can't take them seriosuly.

By: Holy crap.

As for saying ADPI received the leftovers, what a hurtful and untrue statement to say. (I hope your mother raised you better than that!) ADPI received girls that were extremely successful at their respected high schools. It seems that some of the girls came from smaller schools that do not have a lot of Greek support in the community. Thats ok! They can start a NEW trend and pull in some great girls from their high schools. I saw some absolutely beautiful girls in pictures for ADPI! They have a bright future. I have never been more sure of something! Please follow the rule of having only nice things to say, especially if you don't really know what you are talking about.

By: Greekalum

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There are plenty of VERY LARGE schools in the state of Mississippi. All of the sororities pledged girls from many large schools. Pi Phi has a large number of girls from large schools, including the school my daughter went to. Last time I checked, the Internet is governed by the US FederalComunication Board and is a public entity. Anyone can read anything posted on here as it is for the public. Anyway, lets hope a college student is no longer worried about what their parent says or reads online. If you read and understood my post, it was positive towards Phi Mu and all other sororities. Negative, petty comments, as stated in earlier posts, only serve to pull the Greek System down.

By: Greekalum
by: But   

MC is the only school that had 6 girls pledge Phi Mu. Yes they got members from other large schools but not 6 from any other one school. You shared too much information earlier to remain completely anonymous. I am not knocking Phi Mu when I say this but to others they are more of a "cookie cutter" type sorority. Yes they have great members but seem to have less diversity than other groups.

By: But

how does anyone keep up with which school has which number of pledges? go study. my girl oves pi phi and the girls from her school love it too.

By: piphimom
by: ...   

You seem to forget that we just finished recruitment and know where many of the girls pledged, especially if our group was interested in them too. Most of my comment was directed toward the Phi Mu mom not you.

By: ...

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