
post bid day


I'm going through rush this fall and I'm worried about what life will be like after Bid Day. I know there is a no hazing policy, but does anything that could be considered mild hazing occur? Will we be forced or judged if we don't drink? Will we be forced to go to fraternity parties or anything? I'm just not comfortable with being forced to go out like you are at some schools. And I'm worried about initiation because I've heard they can be weird. Any advice?

Posted By: Concerned PNM
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NO. NO. NO. The initiation ritual of each sorority is very meaningful and special to its members. Nothing "weird" happens and anyone who has told you so is lying. There are all types of girls in every sorority and you will not be pressured to drink. It may take a week or two but you will quickly find the girls like you in your pledge class and in the sorority. Do not believe any posts that say otherwise.

After writing all of this, I will say that I have a strong suspicion that you are not who you claim to be and that this post was done as a way to allow negative comments about a sorority. Now it's time to wait and see if my suspicion is correct ...


No one will ever force you to do anything uncomfortable. You aren't forced to go anywhere, do anything, or see anyone. That being said, if you truly don't want to ever go out, are you sure greek life is for you? We have swaps and date parties and while many girls attend these events without drinking, you're still expected to go and have fun. If you don't want to go out, you really would be missing out on a big party of the social aspect of sororities. I think you would feel most comfortable in a very low key house that does not have a huge social or party reputation, because while there will be girls that don't drink everywhere, you seem a bit like a worry wart and a homebody, and sorority girls are very social. I don't want this to come across as harsh and I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you do find somewhere to be comfortable and happy.

By: Honest advice

Thanks for the advice, I guess. i really am a PNM and I've been reading this site trying to figure out greek life and I got worried about how intense joining a sorority really is. I'm happy to know things I'm reading or have heard aren't necessarily true. And in reply to Honest advice, I guess I can kind of be a homebody sometimes, but I don't think that's a bad thing or any reason for me to not enjoy being in a sorority. But really if you don't want someone who doesn't always want to go out and doesn't drink to join your sorority then I'd rather you tell me which one you're in because I don't think I want to join.

By: Concerned PNM

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You are sounding less and less like a real PNM and more and more like someone just looking for an opportunity to post negative comments about a particular group. IF you are sincere in your questions - GET OFF THIS SITE! You can't believe what you read on here because you don't know the source. And EVERY sorority has girls that party and girls that don't party. If you go through recruitment and fail to find a group that you feel comfortable with(that wants you, too!) then don't pledge. It's that simple.

By: To "PMN"
by: Concerned PNM   

I have no idea what I've said to make anyone think I'm not rushing this fall or to encourage me to not pledge a house. I found this site trying to understand greek life because I wasn't sure if it was for me and the reactions I've received are making me doubt if its for me more and more. I thought y'all would encourage me and accept me, not think I'm a liar and tell me not to join because I'm not social enough. If I do end up rushing, I hope I don't meet whoever you are.

By: Concerned PNM

It seems to me that your concerns were appropriately addressed and you were offered advice and encouragement. It is your persistence and seemingly confrontational attitude that seem suspicious. You should understand that most people posting on this website have an agenda and are not who they say they are. If you are as uncomfortable as you say you are with remarks on an anonymous website (which you have been told is an unreliable source of information), then you should probably reassess your decision to rush. Your extreme sensitivity may make recruitment an unpleasant experience for you.

By: To Concerned PMN

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