
greek life


If Greek life were like it is at MSU everywhere else it wouldn't have such a bad reputation as a whole. Everyone is so welcoming and MSU is very strict about hazing. It's a great system for the most part

Posted By: Okay
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As an outsider from another school's Greek system, I have thought the same thing. Let me add, however, that the variable quota system will change that! I hope it stays the same!

By: Yes

Agree. MSU has fraternity and sorority chapters winning top awards in their national organization on a regular basis and the University's zero tolerance for hazing.

By: Yes

What happened to the sophomore Phi MU who was accused of strangling another girl? I heard about this a couple of weeks ago and heard she was going to be brought in front of standards but never heard another thing- I also heard this wasn't the first time she has harressed/bullied someone else

By: So
by: Girl   

She's literally insane. I saw her arguing, in a yelling match, with some girl at the Greek bus stop going insane one day and the other girl just wasn't saying a word and the crazy girl wouldn't stop.

By: Girl
by: oh   

that's just phi mu, lol, I hope that isn't what people think of when they're considering MSU greek life as a whole. I haven't heard anything about what happened to her either, but hopefully it was severely dealt with, the row doesn't need bad publicity like that.

By: oh

No, Roxie and Jackie Mullen are ruining Greek Life. We don't even get bid day next year because they don't want it to be a "family event" and instead it's just going to be a supper. Imagine how upset this is going to make these alumni moms with daughters coming through who donate so much money to Greek life here. It's ridiculous.

By: The Truth
by: MSU   

Backwards Starkville, again. Right now we are the laughing stock of SEC schools. Changes have to be made. Why does a new members parent need to be at bid day? It is pnm's day, not the alumni's day. That is for initiation. Alumni that are donating are donating to influence advisors so they can get their daughters/friends in. Most SEC schools have recruitment starting on the week-end with bid day on a week night. It is still a fun event but is for the members and pnm's.

by: ???   

Roxie? SA Pres is not connected with Panhellenic.

By: ???
by: @MSU   

Please tell me which SEC school doesn't allow parents on their bid day. Families live for getting to experience these awesome moments with their children. It's a big thing for a lot of families and taking that away is ridiculous. A ton of kids want their parents to be there. MSU sure is doing a great job of pushing girls not to rush.

By: @MSU
by: Msu   

No one said families can't come to bid day. Not sure where you got that information. After a parent congratulates their child, then it is time to go and leave their daughter to meet her new sisters.

By: Msu
by: Just letting you know    

The majority of schools don't allow parents on bid day!! Any big ten or big 12 school thinks is weird that parents come. University of Missouri also doesn't have parents attend bid day or vanderbilt or u of f. There isn't a rule against it, it's just not something they come to. Even without the parents it's essentially the same though, girls get their bid cards and run or take busses to their new house and usually frat boys watch and then the girls all have a party with their new sisters. It's more centered on sisterhood and getting to know your new sisters than making parents happy. I'm not saying one way is better than the other but it's typically only a southern thing where parents attend bid day

By: Just letting you know
by: Well damn    

idk why I got down votes for just trying to be informational! I'm just letting you people know the majority of the nation does not have parents at bid day! Never said it was the better way, just explaining

By: Well damn
by: wtf   

Bid Day was the happiest day of my life. My mom and I aren't even close but she still drove down for it because its so special. It's meant to be wild and crazy and full of energy because YOU JUST GOT A WHOLE HOUSE OF SISTERS. If it gets announced officially that we don't have a bid day, I say we riot.

By: wtf

Who is stuck in the past? Keeping some innocent, fun traditions are now called stuck in the past? Ha ha! Go ahead and vote for Hillary! I'm not against keeping a few traditions that are unique to our way! There is nothing wrong with keeping it.

By: Dear friend,

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If Come were president, none of this would even be discussed.

By: Smh
by: Ugh!    

please explain how the SA President has any control over sorority bid day?!?! She doesn't. SMH

FYI the election wasn't close. Didn't she beat Cole by like 500 votes? \n\n\n\n\n

By: Ugh!

This post explains everything wrong about southern culture.

By: Lol
by: Get a life   

Then stop reading and commenting on a southern school's Greek Rank.

By: Get a life

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