



Posted By: Sick of it
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Just wait till you're on the other side. I promise is 100x worse for is

By: active
by: PNM   

Not if you got cut from the houses :/


I've never seen so much cutting!

By: Dang
by: The truth hurts    

You can thank Panhellenic as well as ADPI nationals who refuse to step in and teach these girls how to rush for these crazy cuts. I mean come on that ballon bridge thing at ADPI was god awful. Who thought blue, white, blue poka dots, with red and yellow balloons mixed in was a good idea ?? Secondly I've seen just some weird instas by ADPIs which would not attract pnms. And thirdly when I went through a year ago none of them knew how to keep on a conversation (literally felt like I was the one rushing them) plus on house tours parts of their house was unorganized and kind of dirty. The reason why ADPI is bottom is because they don't put in the work to move up. Their nationals needs to send girls from other chapters to help them. Increasing their quota will do nothing but keep girls from joining the Greek system. Panhellenic doesn't care about the girls who are going to be heart broken due to these stupid cuts.. At ADPI I didn't feel at home and I did not see myself there, if I were forced to see them on pre night because of this stupid rule I would have dropped too. And to any girl who does drop because all they have left is houses they could never seem themselves in, good for you for not settling and knowing you deserve the best experience ever and not giving into what Panhellenic thinks is "politically correct".

By: The truth hurts
by: Seriously   

@truthhurts Those colors are those of their philanthropy - Ronald McDonald House. Yesterday was suppose to be about Philanthrophy yet you decided to turn it into your personal mean and nasty rant.

By: Seriously
by: Sorry   

To the girl ranting:
At least ADPi wanted your sorry ass. The other chapters were smart enough to realize that you're a waste of time.

By: Sorry
by: Uh   

Wow super classy comment. What makes you think I didn't get a bid anywhere else? I had a great rush not knowing a soul at state, and I see how hard my chapter works in every aspect each year tomake sure we get the girls we want. Just because I had a good rush doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for the pnms that got the short end of the stick due to these changes. The truth hurts but it's tough love. ADPI needs to learn how to recruit, you sitting here calling girls sorry and shallow for dropping a house they couldn't seem themselves is what is sorry in my opinion.

By: Uh

I'm pretty sure this new rush process is going to backfire. I think there will be plenty of girls that don't get placement or refuse bids.

By: Yeah
by: Sec   

If you want to be a big time Greek system in the SEC, this is how it is done. National Panhellenic together as a unit are making these decisions. Yes, girls will be released totally because ALL sororities are releasing for grades and other issues too. All sororities at MSU are great houses with a variety of young women. If they refuse a bid, it is their loss.

By: Sec

The people slamming ADPi should be dropped from their sorority for complete lack of Greek unity. People like you are what hurts ADPi and could eventually hurt the entire Greek system. Do you not understand how important it is for all chapters at MSU to be successful? Ugh!

PNMs stay open minded. Don't drop out. Give the house you receive a bid from a chance. I promise you, sorority life will be what you make it.

By: Wow!!!
by: @Wow!!!   

You must be an ADPi.

By: @Wow!!!
by: MSU   

Sound's like Panhellenic to me.....now go along with your mean girl self. And no, I am not an ADPi but I have a lot of ADPi friends. I'm in a top tier house here and totally support them. We have a lot of classes together and I have gotten to know them. I sure hope you are not in my sorority. If so, I'm embarrassed

by: Wow!!   

No I am not an ADPi. I am a member of a "top" group who is smart enough to realize what it takes to have a successful Greek system. Yes this has been difficult but I can see it's best.

By: Wow!!
by: Wow   

I don't think a member of a top group should be talking then considering you never had be faced with heartbreak of being cut from every house you loved. I for one hate these quotas simply because girls who would have had a fine rush are now getting sold short from what they truly deserve. They aren't getting a fair shot at every house, they aren't getting a fair shot at finding their home. Getting cut from any house is god awful and now there are going to be a lot of good girls who won't be able to experience Greek life all together due to these silly changes. And You can say you would have stuck it out all you want but no one knows until they have been in those shoes themselves. If you are in a top house you should honestly just stop talking. You are extremely lucky and privileged you didn't have to make that choice.

By: Wow
by: Yes   

@wow You are correct. She doesnt know how it felt to be cut from a house I loved. Chances are however she does know what it feels like to be in a sorority and see her best friend get released from her house. It sucks and hurts either way. I can only hope things turn out ok for those of us on both sides.

By: Yes

I don't think Wow is in a top house. I don't mean this snobby, but this rush has been harder on the top houses than any others. We're having to release far more girls than normal and it's been brutal. We hate this. We hate it for the girls coming through more though because now they think no one wanted them and it's not true. We've been dying to pledge these girls and now they've been released or dropped.

By: Uber honest

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by: Uh   

I am in a top house and I KNOW. This is why I am SO upset over these changes. Amazing girls who did everything right in high school and had they gone through recruitment a year earlier would have had an amazing rush are being dropped because we simply cannot take them all. My heart aches for the PNMs this year it is just not fair to them. I was basically saying if you are in a top house in favor of these changes, changes that you know would cheat good girls out of the houses they deserve to be and lead many to ultimately drop out of recruitment completely, while you're privileged self is sitting at your top pick on sorority row...then shut up. Put yourself in others shoes and be thankful you rushed when you did because it's more than likely most of you guys preaching how great this is for our Greek system would be the ones crying on bid day when you got the house you could never see yourself in on your bid card. Not because you did anything wrong but because the system screwed you over

By: Uh
by: Uber honest   

That was my bad I meant that to Wow!! not Wow. No one is a top house is excited about this. I mean maybe in the long run it will work but it's been helI for us this week and for our girls. I agree with you.

By: Uber honest
by: @both of yall   

It's equally as hard on middle houses too. Top houses are still mostly likely getting their top choices and full return rates. While if someone believes they are top house material and "won't settle for less" and get middle houses, they are dropping. Therefore less girls are going back to middle houses and their numbers hurt. So it's an overall problem. But y'all still get first dibs on girls because of tradition. Even though they can join a middle house and make it even better and work towards being more involved, winning competitions, and closing gaps between tiers. Just food for thought y'all

By: @both of yall

Why are you all blaming a single chapter on campus for this year's recruitment when it's Panhellenic's rules? Bashing on ADPi will change nothing. It's Panhellenic who made these rules.

By: Why?
by: True   

You're right. Panhellenic should be ashamed of themselves. They are the ones responsible for this disaster but ADPI is the one getting most of the backlash for it...making girls want to pledge there even less than before. Who ever decided this obviously didn't think it through. On top of that Panhellenic obviously didn't take any of pnms feelings into consideration... To them these girls are just numbers and money. They really just expected girls to settle/sacrifice part of their college experience and to "suck it up" for the greater good of the Greek system??? sorry but why would anyone do that for a system that literally just screwed them over?

By: True
by: Dropped out.    

Well as someone who dropped out today, take this from "the horses mouth" as they say. I came into Rush with no preconceived notions. I really wanted to just find a group who I thought I would like to be a part of. "Top," "Mid," "Low," didn't matter to me. I loved one that was "top" and I love one that was "Mid". I cut ADPi night one, they were not nice and asked nothing about me. It felt like they didn't want me there. Today I dropped out because I was dropped by two of my choices. That left me with one choice I was OK with and one choice that did not meet my expectations. I was told I had to accept both invitations and I had to accept bids (of course I would get my first choice if they offered me a bid, but I HAD to accept my second choice if my first did not offer me a bid...even though I was no longer interested in them.) So I dropped out, that is manipulation. I have been sitting here all night thinking about how much fun all of the friends are having and I just can't believe it. When it's all said and done, it feels like someone else had more control of my choice than I did, and what's even worse is how many people are talking down to me (and others like me) saying things like, "Well, the Greek system is better off without you if you won't take what is offered." How condescending and conniving. I should just be happy with what I am offered? No I'm sorry, I'm better than that. I thought Sororities at State were better than that. Obviously, I was wrong.

By: Dropped out.

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