
who's doing the best during rush?


Who's doing the best rushing this year? Who will get the best pledge classes

Posted By: Man
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Tri Kap


Who the heck is Tri Kap? Just my first impression, but ADPi and Zeta seem like the best. Then probably XO because they seemed pretty genuine. But what's all the hype about tri delt? They seemed so average to me...

By: just my opinion

ppl are really liking axo it seems and not really tri delt even though its considered "good"

By: seems like

I really loved XO and so did everyone in my group. They were all super sweet, pretty, genuine girls. We all thought they had a great sisterhood. I hope they ask me back to round 2.

By: 2013 PNM
by: 2013 PNM   

Oh and we didn't like Tri delt either and we thought ADPi was kinda fake

By: 2013 PNM

I liked ADPi a lot! But tri delt...why are they considered top? I honestly didn't see that. And I know a lot of girls were talking about how much they liked XO but I didnt think they were that great either.

By: Awww
by: I think   

It really just depended on who you talked to in XO. All the girls in my group totally loved them, but I wasn't really impressed because the first girl I talked to was kind of blah. But the second was awesome and I could tell from the way they talk to each other the sisterhood is actually genuine! Zeta was def my favorite though.

By: I think

I LOVED Zeta and ADPi! My favorites so far. & I agree with the other user, TriDelt seemed very average. I don't get the hype. I liked KD too.


My 2 favs were ADPi and XO. They both had sweet pretty girls that I had easy conversations with. I'm kinda scared about Zeta's reputation on campus. The girl I talked to there was unimpressive. I guess so much depends on chance and who you get a chance to meet.

By: Hopeful PNM

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by: S.C. PNM   

I liked ADPi and XO the best too. I think I would be happy with either one. Maybe we'll be sisters.

By: S.C. PNM

Most of the other PNM's I've been talking to were really impressed with Zeta, XO & ADPi. They were all really sweet and easy to talk to. Tridelts were nice but didn't really stand out, I don't really get why they are top tier. KD's were really sweet but all of the touching was a little weird for some girls.


I HATED Chi O! Every single girl I talked to was so awkward and didn't seem the least bit interested, even after I got asked back! I far and away had the best conversation with Gamma Phi! The girls seems so genuine and liked eachother! I also really like AXO and KD. But I hated Chi Omega

by: Another PNM   

OK, we get it...Chi O is not for you...HA HA! They probably didn't like you either. I LOVED Chi O today. I had great conversations with some amazing girls. They were not the least bit awkward or forced. I didn't find AXO to be anything special. KD was just OK, but I found all that touching to be awkward. But, I LOVED Chi Omega

By: Another PNM
by: Hmmmm   

Could #10 above really be a Gamma Phi???? Sounds like she's putting her plug in for her sorority and trying to bring down others.

By: Hmmmm
by: @hmmm   

Is it really that hard to believe she might have had a good conversation at a "bottom tier" sorority? You out them down when you say things like that.

By: @hmmm
by: IBM   

Is it that hard to believe that someone else just likes another sorority other than the one everyone else likes? Whoa sorry guys


ALL THE SORORITIES ARE GREAT! You will be happy wherever you end up, trust me. None of these girls would be dedicating so much time to rush all you great girls if they didn't love their sisterhood. Keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that top tier sororities are great but that doesn't mean you aren't a great/top tier girl even if you don't make it into one. That like saying only like 300-400 of 1,600+ the girls going through rush this year are the only good ones, and thats just not true. I've talked to so many amazing girls this year during rush and I know you'll find a place that you can call home and can be happy. Keep an open mind and you'll find your place!

Good luck ladies!

By: USC sorority girl

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