
Who knows pledge counts?


Quota was 105. I know Phi Mu got 106. How did everybody else do?

Posted By: Quota
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Kappa posted their PC 23 list on their stories--108 girls

By: rush23

dz took 106

By: bid day

ZTA was 112


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how many girls rushed this year?

By: well
by: ###   

I saw somewhere it was 1445

By: ###

Phi Mu got 107

By: Buddy

DG 111

By: DG
by: Boopy   

DG was 120 not 111

By: Boopy

Pi Phi got 126

by: ??   

How does that work? Are they not capped at how many they can take? I didn’t realize they could go so far over quota.

By: ??
by: tmz   

if they were under campus total quota before this rush they can take as many as they need to meet or reasonably exceed campus total

By: tmz

I think everyone made quota….? Am I wrong?

By: I think?
by: oops   

everyone made quota and now there’s some drama because apparently a gamma chi was telling her group that if they didn’t like their options at the end of the week they can do cob and have a second chance at chapters but now now none are taking any more girls….

By: oops
by: panhel   

bump over all that crap please

By: panhel
by: I’m hearing   

Word is not every house made quota this year. Ask your recruitment teams.

By: I’m hearing
by: ^^   

Which houses?

By: ^^
by: curious   

is this true and if not which houses are still offering bids?

By: curious

pi phi had the most i think with 124. pretty sure almost if not all of the houses reached quota/chapter total

By: lsu

You’re an idiot if you think quota is 105 for every chapter down the row. Talk to someone who actually knows how the system works and then speak on the matter. If you knew even the slightest bit about logistics, you would know quota is different for every chapter and can be different year to year. Educate yourself for real

By: ur mom
by: clarification   

Quota has always been set by taking the total number of girls that are attending pref and dividing by the number of chapters. Quota is the same for all chapters. Houses can take above quota if they have not made house total in numbers. What changes from house to house is the number of girls that each house is allowed to invite back for prior rounds leading up to pref.

By: clarification

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