
the truth about this morning


Hello. My name is Mud, at least that is what my mother is calling me after my confession to her. I am a 16 year old high school student and this morning I was the original poster who wrote "This year will be perfect". As a matter of fact, I posted 7 times as "tri delt active", 1 time as " thank you", 1 time as "yes!", 3 times as "sorry!", 2 times as "truly sorry!", 3 times as "excited active", 2 times as "ohhhh", 1 time as "maybe", "nope", "haha", "not really", "yup",, "pnm", "tbh", "ummm", "lol", and finally 2 times as "tri delt alum".

Yes, my mother is looking over my shoulder right now. I'm humiliated and in a boat load of trouble.

You see, my sister is in an Ole Miss sorority (not tri delt). She has been calling every night laughing at tri delt and how all the sororities are ganging up on them. I truly felt sorry for tri delt and as a result I thought I would pose as one ( or more) and help them. I honestly thought I was helping the situation.

I am officially scarred for life. The ladies on this site were like bulldogs attacking me and I kept making the situation worse with every post.

I sincerely apologize to tri delt! Every last one of them. I honestly thought I was helping and got in way way over my head!

Okay. I won't be on this website any more as I have officially lost all privileges. Again, I am soooo very very sorry to all the active, alumni, and future tri delts.

Posted By: Truly sorry!
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Wtf this is hilarious

By: Lol
by: NOT TRUE   

Well it's not true because at least one of the posts she claims she wrote was written by me...what a weird lie.


You are delusional if you think a single person is going to believe this. Just stop. You're making your hole even bigger. Seriously. Let it die.

By: Bahaha

Hahahaha this is either the biggest (and funniest) cover up of all time, or it's 100% true that a high school student has had this site up in arms all day. Judging from the amount of posts though, if you are real, you must not have been paying any attention at all in class today!

By: Hahaha
by: Hahaha   

Yeah, now that I look back, definitely a cover up. A hilarious one, though. Good effort DDD but just stop while you're already behind...way behind.

By: Hahaha

I just re-read the original post top to bottom I actually believe this little girl.

All I can do is sit here and shake my head.

Bamboozled by a 16 year olds shenanigans.

By: Too funny
by: No chance.    

I've never heard of a high school that would allow students to be on their phones all day long.

No 16 year old with a sister in ANOTHER sorority would want to help Tri Delt.

No 16 year old would know the Tru Delt door stack song.

No sixteen year old would no that much about Alumni involvement. It's not discussed THAT MUCH on this site.

I suspect that ANYONE on this thread that says the actually BELIEVE this coverup is actually just another one of the MANY original poster's ( both threads) aliases.

My sincere advice to the OP: you've got to stop. Don't reply to another comment on either thread. It's getting sick. Like need professional help sick. I beg you, stop. Please do not do anymore damage to your sorority by pretending. At this moment there are very few people on this campus that would question the fact that DDD is a top tier house. Don't ruin that for them. Just stop cold turkey. Don't give anyone else a chance to have another negative thought about DDD.

By: No chance.
by: ^^^   

You can actually google the words to the door stack song. I just did.

Very clever 16 year old.

By: ^^^
by: So   

@ no chance has some very valid points about why there's absolutely NO WAY that this is a high schooler. I believe that this is just a huge ruse and a red herring in an attempt to divert attention away from the other thread. You really screwed up, Tri Delt Active/Truly Sorry/Mud/a thousand other aliases. It's time to step away from the keyboard. Going to these lengths to defend your sorority and its' perceived reputation is very concerning behavior. Please seek professional help!

By: So
by: No chance   

Oh my word, I just re-read my previous post. Holy grammatical errors!! I should have proof read. I promise I know the difference between 'no' and 'know'! Sorry, to bump this worthless thread, but I couldn't sleep without defending my pitiful grammar! Haha!!

By: No chance
by: Oh no!   

We at least we know who the bulldog is that she was referring to!

Btw, how do you pull off liking your own posts so much? I see you doing it all the time!

By: Oh no!

I hope to god this is real because it is by far the funniest explanation

By: Dear lord

Just crazy enough to be true ???

By: Well
by: No chance.    

Alias number 246737

By: No chance.

Well, it has certainly been entertaining!

By: Really????
by: LOL   

Remember her name is Mud when she tries to rush here in two years



By: ^^^

Feeling kind of sorry for "Mud". I can close my eyes and see her angry mother standing over her.

But, at the same time I am thinking wow, just wow! How can someone so young cause so much damage!

By: Oh no!

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by: Machine Lab   

She was able to do it because y'all take things way too seriously are so easily trolled! Ole Miss is NF. 😂😂😂

By: Machine Lab
by: Nope   

So you really believe this? That some little girl googled all the info and then didn't go to school so she could post all day and then got in trouble with her mom and now her mom is standing over her shoulder while she types an apology?

It's freaking ridiculous. No way is this real.

By: Nope

It was me Mr. Duvall, I wrote the burn book!!!\n\n\n\n\nCome on does anyone seriously believe this?!?!

By: Rofl
by: Yes   

I think I do. No way are the tri delts clever enough to actually manufacture something like this.

By: Yes
by: @Rofl   

You can't make this sh t up!

What I find amusing is the fact that my mom used to call us mud every time we were in trouble. Brings back memories. Good times. Good time.

By: @Rofl
by: Lol   

This is not clever...this is just stupid and trying to shift attention.

By: Lol

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