


whose skit was the best??

Posted By: hello
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DG and KD literally killed it. I've watched all their theta encore and derby days videos so I knew they would be good but holy cowwww. XO's was also lots of fun. I go to my two other houses tomorrow and can't wait to see those!

By: Omg
by: ^^   

DG and KKG were so amazing. I go to KD tomorrow and am pumped. AOPi was kinda bleh compared to KKG and DG.

By: ^^
by: Bully patrol   

Oh, really is being a bully

By: Bully patrol

I didn't think it was possible for me to like Chi O anymore than I already did, but it happened after their skit!! Perfection!!!

By: Pins and needles

I saw pi phi and kkg! Both were great but I like kkg better! Definitely my favorite part of rush so far it was so fun and much more relaxed!

By: Skit

Theta's was fun

By: Skit

i thought the skits were kind of dumb in general. real hokey and lots of inside jokes among members it seems. i would rather have spent the time getting to know the houses in a different way.

By: tbh
by: yeah   

I agree.

By: yeah
by: Agree   

I know the skits are a time honored tradition and a lot of work goes into them, but they are a little out of touch with what connects with PNMs.

By: Agree
by: Honestly   

As an active, I'm glad we are getting rid of them next year. They are definitely out of touch and I think most PNMs find it hard to connect to them. I remember I felt the same way when I was going through recruitment.

By: Honestly
by: completely   

Completely AGREE! I know I lost the majority of my houses after skit because I could hardly contain how stupid I thought they were... and it literally grates on my nerves now to have to watch the same one over and over and over again. Bonded with a great PNM yesterday as we rolled our eyes together. so glad we are getting rid of them!

By: completely
by: Flabbergasted   

This is exactly the problem with today's generation. The skits are suppose to be a fun way to bring members together and show the rushees what your all about; yet you kids have no respect for a tradition that has been around longer then you have been living on God's green earth. Everything needs to be simple and spoon-fed to you. Well, I'm sorry that rush isn't an "app" for your i-phones, but it just don't work that way.

By: Flabbergasted
by: @flabergasted   

National Panhellenic is getting rid of skit/theme night, not just Ole Miss. It is being dropped across the country. Stop being so negative and learn to move past "tradition"!

By: @flabergasted

I personally thought KKG and DG had awesome skits yesterday! I am excited to see my other houses tonight!

By: Opinion

I liked phi mu skit and adpi! They were so original and cute and did the best job of showing their sisterhoods, which is hard because skit is so stupid

By: Skits
by: So   

I didn't get invited back to phi mu or adpi but I'm wondering how those skits showed their sisterhood?

By: So
by: So   

To clarify, I cut adpi first round and phi mu cut me right before skit.

By: So
by: @so   

Why did you feel the need to clarify who you cut and who cut you? That's super rude. All the sororities here are amazing

By: @so
by: Bully patrol   

@so. No need to call her rude. She was curious about what made their skit so great that literally everyone is posting about it.

By: Bully patrol

I thought Chi O had the best one.

By: Highland Park
by: Hahaha   

Bless your little heart! If you hope to be a Chi O (or any other sorority member) you need to familiarize yourself with the word "HUMILITY". Posting as "Highland Park" (for those who don't know, it's the wealthiest suburb of Dallas) is absolutely pathetic. No one cares about your daddy's money except for you, sweetie. I'n sure he would be very embarrassed and ashamed if he saw your post. You are also unknowingly making Chi O look bad by demonstrating that kind of elitist attitude. This week has clearly shown that thinking that you're above others for any reason is unacceptable, and you will get called out for it at Ole Miss.

By: Hahaha
by: @hahahah   

She was just answering a question jeez, she's allowed to have an opinion.

By: @hahahah
by: Oh my gosh!   

You jumped down her throat because she liked chi o skit?

I sure am glad nobody mentioned tri delt skit, I'm not sure info could have sat through another one of your rants!!!!!

Back off b I t c h!

And no, I'm not a chi o or a tri delt? So don't accuse me of being proud of my sorority or only liking the popular sororities!

By: Oh my gosh!
by: Well   

I don't think hahaha was looking down at her for enjoying Chi O's skit at all! She was just saying that posting as "Highland Park" comes off as really elitist and snobby, and that by displaying that attitude, she UNintentionally made Chi O look bad. It seemed to me like hahaha did NOT want Chi O to start getting the same hate that DDD has been getting all week for having that "better than you" attitude. That's just how it came off to me-nothing bad about Chi O, just that posting under that name made that girl seem really shallow and superficial, which could in turn make Chi O look the same way. But that's just what I got from it.

By: Well
by: Or......   

I think she was hoping to communicate to any Chi-O active that might read her post, that she wants Chi-O. :-) Can't blame her for that. She likes Chi-O.

By: Or......

What will replace the skits? I'm just wondering what they'll do.

By: ?
by: Values   

I heard it's gonna be a values round.

By: Values

Someone saw skits at ALL the chapters, how can it be decided who was best? You can't.

By: Unless

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