
not so perfect rush


I've had what you wouls consider to be a not so perfect Rush. I have great grades, resume, etc, but I didn't really know anyone and lots of houses dropped me. I only have three houses left for sister hood and I loved one of them so much and it felt like home the moment I left on phiaanthropy. Should I make is clear that I want to be in this house and I can see myself there? Asking advice because they have put on a great rush and my other two houses, even though they were great, haven't made me feel as special. Thanks and to everyone whose Rush hasn't been perfect, your not alone. I'm right there with you.

Posted By: Okayreb
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Yes! But, don't be over the top desperate about it. A friend of mine did this and barely let the active get a word in edgewise and she got cut :-( Good luck and let us know!

By: 👌🙏

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by: Okayreb   

How should I say it? I don't want to sound desperate

By: Okayreb
by: @Okayreb   

This was posted on here yesterday, and I think it's excellent advice. I totally agree with all of it! Follow this advice and you should be just fine. Good luck! Also, remember to keep an open mind about all 3 of the groups you have remaining-skit is so much fun, and the other 2 might surprise you! :)

You should definitely say something, but you don't want to come off as desperate or stalker-ish.
If the convo with your rusher is going really well...
DO say something like "By the way, I just wanted to let you know how much I love your house! Everyone has been so sweet, fun, and welcoming. I've had an amazing time and I feel really at home here!"
DO NOT say "OMG please, please invite me back! I love you and all of your sisters so much and I really think I am destined be one of y'all! I already feel like we're all best friends! I'll just die if you don't invite me back to Pref!"
The first clearly shows them that you're interested, and it sounds a lot more genuine and poised. You will more than likely be remembered in a very positive way.
The second shows you're interested, but comes across WAY too strong and makes you seem psycho. You will almost assuredly be remembered in an extremely negative way.
Good luck!!!

By: @Okayreb
by: active   

Just say things like "I've had great conversations here thank yall for making me feel welcome" and just like "Everyone i've met here is so awesome yall have amazing girls"

By: active
by: 👌🙏   

@okayreb gave the perfect examples! Go with her advice. Let us know how it goes!

By: 👌🙏

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