
a question for girls in the top houses..


How do y'all feel about the alumni making the bid lists in your house?
I am a PNM, so I am truly wondering.

I feel like the actives should have more say of who gets in, don't you?
How do you even make connections with alumni? I've made connections with actives and such lol.

Posted By: Pnm
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We hate it! However, just because the alumni make the final decisions, doesn't mean we don't get a say so. Let's be honest, we give out less bids than we have girls in the house. If every active has her favorites, there has to be a way to determine who's favorite gets a bid. It can't just be a popularity contest! As actives, we tell the alumni who our favorites are. They then take a look at them (an unbiased, holistic look at them) and determine who the best are.

It's better than girls getting into cat fights over who's favorite should get in and who's we don't have room for.

By: Honestly

Suprised Panhellenic and national offices allow it. Aren't there rules about limiting alumnae involvement in recruitment?

By: ?
by: No   

Every sorority had alumni advisors. And every advisor is involved to a certain degree.

Bottom tier houses take the girls that are remaining after the top and mid houses cut them. Their choices are more limited. That's why they aren't as strict as the top and mid tier.

I'm not a kappa, so I don't know this for sure, but I've heard they are the only top six sorority who actually votes on new members. The rest of us rank or vote individually and nobody really knows how many votes a PNM actually receive.

By: No

I think it's a positive thing. I'm a junior in a top sorority. Last fall, I had lots of good friends in the freshman class who were rushing. They were all a little too wild and could potentially hurt the reputation of my sorority. I loved them dearly and wish I could've given all of them a bid to my house. Only one of them got the approval of the alumni, due to her good grades and "philanthropic heart." (mission trips and service hours) I understood the alumnae's decision not to approve the other girls and it made it easier for when bid day came and they weren't running home to me

By: Personally

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Personally I hate rush! Going into rush as a sophomore i did everything I was supposed to do. I rushed my favorites, introduced them around, got all excited. Then I realized about half way through rush that we really had no say so in who got invited back and who got cut. My illusion had been shattered.

Now as a junior, I'm dreading another year of pretending to rush girls that only the alumni know for sure if they will be back the next day or not.

By: Blah

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