


Require your Sorority to have a January Independent Audit of ALL finances. This will require current Sorority Officers to defend their actions or be charged with financial impropriety before they graduate in May.

An annual $500- $1 million house budget is too much trust/money to place on 20-22 year olds.... An average initial audit finds 5-10% budget improprieties. There are too many Sorority Officers wearing designer suits on a college student’s budget.

Posted By: Agreed
Page 4 of 9

if this idiot that is copying and pasting the same stuff over and over realizes that most chapters already have annual audits

By: I wonder

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by: Z   

This initial post is on several of the college pages. Texas is the only school that has really gotten any responses. I was reading my sister's college site and it was on there, too.

By: Z

There is no evidence, requirement or Bylaw at UT mandating annual Chapter audits.
Claiming there are audits (untrue) by an unknown Chapter Officer^ to quiet these posts makes me even more suspicious...

By: nope
by: Haha   

I'm sorry that my fraternity doesn't give out our financial records to some random person on the internet. Just because there aren't bylaws mandating that it's done, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You're just on a witch hunt trying to demonize Greeks. Also, not an officer. That seems like it would take way more effort than I want to put in.

By: Haha

If your fraternity or sorority has an annual audit, now is the time to take credit.

Most UT Greek Chapters do not have annual audits. That is the problem...

By: Step up
by: Hah   

Nobody in their right mind would post what chapter they're in on GreekRank.

By: Hah
by: Most    

Chapter do not publicly release their financials and audits. That's private information within the chapters, but you're an idiot if you assume we don't do it because we don't plaster it on the Internet or tell a trouble making troll the exact inner working of our chapter XYZ.

By: Most

Internal Audits.......hahahahahaha

Internal audits conducted by those being audited. Chapter Officers.

Like an inmate writing his own police report......


The anti-audit posts above are clearly written by those corrupt Chapter Officers that are scared of being caught for embezzlement.

By: Internal Audits
by: Are you retarded?   

You do know that almost all (if not all) international fraternities and sororities have a dedicated staff at their headquarters whose sole purpose is to audit hundred of chapters across the US and Canada, right? That's what is meant by an internal audit, not that 20 year-olds audit their own chapter. Get a grip on reality. And no, this isn't some :"smoke screen" to try and cover up financial improprieties, it's just an actual fact about how the Greek system works. You should educate yourself before spreading lies all over the place.

By: Are you retarded?

As a past Chapter Officer, we had to prepare a general 1-3 page Balance Sheet for our National Office. The Line Items on the Balance Sheet were general and clustered many projects/functions into one deduction. The Chapter Adviser was the "internal auditor" who verified these general deductions.

The Chapter Officer overseeing these projects could easily overcharge the Chapter for supplies/labor and transportation. Regretably, I am aware of several from other Chapters who had done this in a petty manner. The means to extend this into a major embezzlement is freightening. The risk of being caught by an "Independent Audit" whose results would be reported to all of the due paying members would help remedy the embezzlement risk.

We cannot encourage enough all UT Chapters to proceed with this Independent Audit requirement.

By: U Dumber

This initial post is on several of the college pages. Texas is the only school that has really gotten any responses. I was reading my sister's college site and it was on there, too. Someone's just trying to stir up trouble.

By: Z
by: Yeah    

I just kinda noticed that too. I think it's just some spammer based on their tenuous grasp of the English language.

By: Yeah

The ONLY trouble will be for the Corrupt Chapter Officers found skimming/embezzling Chapter assets.

The FREE RIDE is over.

We encourage all UT Chapters to proceed with this Independent Audit requirement.

By: trouble
by: Ah   

So nobody then. Got it.

By: Ah

It appears it is a Win-Win situation for us to require our new Chapter to have a January annual audit. If they find embezzlement, we get our money back.
If nothing is found we have confidence in our new Chapter.

We WILL make an annual audit a requirement for our Chapter as a Pledge Class.

Pledge Class President

By: New Pledge
by: lol   

You do that.

By: lol

lol, ^Corrupt Chapter Officer^ posted above....

BEWARE they are in MOST UT Chapters NOW.

Keeping your dues high and lowering the quality of your social calender/parties by skimming your budgets.

by: Haha   

Nah bro, exec is way more effort than I'm willing to put in. I'm literally just not retarded. You keep on that witch hunt though.

By: Haha
by: Yeah   

This person clearly doesn't go to UT if they think that the quality of social events is diminishing. If anything, it's improving.

By: Yeah

There sure are a lot of Chapter Officers running scared. I was neutral on the required audit, but there must be a Fire from all of these Smoke Screen Posts.

All Chapter Officers should return any/all funds taken by fraud and apologize to the Chapter. If you wait and the audit discloses your embezzlement, the Chapter should pursue legal action.

By: WoW
by: lol   

"required audit"
You're so delusional it hurts. Sorry you got cut from rush and had to resort to anonymous slander on a gossip website.

By: lol
by: You were neutral?   

Lol. You sound exactly like the person who has posted everything else pro-audit. I'm not an exec, my chapter does an audit, and among other people I have been mocking you witch hunters.

By: You were neutral?

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