
more to rankings

by: Well -rounded houses

Why do rankings not account for which houses have the strongest brother/sister hood, or who does the best philanthropy. Or which houses actually turn member in to future successful men and women. Should be a lrge part of joining greek life along with social success.
AEpi may throw down at a 6 mil mansion, with some hot ass kappas, but honestly those guys suck, and don't even like each other.

There should be some discussion on well-rounded chapters.

Posted By: Well -rounded houses
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#1  by: agreed   

true, but people only come on here to talk about social stature on campus. everything else is tough to measure unless you know a house fairly well (or are in said house).

By: agreed
#2  by: I like Mike   

How can houses "turn members into future successful men and women"? Most houses have their fair share of students that get into the Ross Business school, are engineering students, and get in post-graduation to medical and law schools. Maybe your are assuring yourself that even though your house may not be a top tier house, that maybe you are learning how to lead and be successful and better work for your philanthropy. There are more leadership opportunities at small houses because there are fewer girls/guys. Whether your house give $1000 or $5000 to a charity does not really matter, the point is you are giving (your national may feel differently though).

Since only 8.5% of students are greek, the chances are slim that your future employer may have not been greek and he/she will not be impressed if you were social chair of your sorority/fraternity or VP of Panhel. So, the greek system is great for socializing and leadership opportunities, and if philanthropic causes benefit, that is great. Some houses get along better than others. Good looking people tend to do better in the world, so I am not sure what to say.

By: I like Mike
by: ummFeb 4, 2014 5:45:33 PM

i like mike, if your chapter doesn't/didn't build you into a better person through pledging/help from brother/sisters, i feel sorry for you.

By: umm
#3  by: Clarify   

I do not think the phrase was meant "to turn into" but rather to help cultivate opportunities and experiences that lead to successful personal charecteristics. These attributes build upon throughout college give dimension to the new working world we go to. I would like to say that I learned a lot in my Greek house and have not only great memories but hopefully life long connections with my brothers or sisters. I think what happens a lot of times is the commitment for our chapters diminishes and we forget to give back or just use it for socials and lose sight of the PanHellenic goals.
The small picture is the socials, ragers and party memories. The big picture the Greek experiences that contribute to the adults we will grow into. It's what we make it.
Not what makes us.

By: Clarify
#4  by: Life Lessons   

Douchey guys are in every house, just the behavior is more accepted and supported in some than other houses. People do grow-up though, and eventually you are on your own and no one cares what house you were in. Enjoy your house and don't worry about the others. Great girls will find the great guys regardless of their house (vis-a-versa too).

By: Life Lessons
#5  by: That one dude   

Because nobody joins greek life for philanthropy and when you join a huge house, there is no way in hell you're going to like every single brother or sister. Even in smaller houses that apparently have great brotherhood people still dont like each other.

Your house cannot morph you into a great person if you aren't already on that path. So why bother talking about it?

By: That one dude

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