
lambda chi national lies and sigma nu


All this talk of Sigma Nu turning in Lambda Chi is nothing more than Lambda's west coast rep trying to cover for what his boys did. Not working and Lambda is going down and Sigma Nu got nothing to do with it....

Posted By: Barney the D
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Walk into IFC right now and ask them, or the head of Greek life and they will tell you the reason Lambda was on probation and is being put back on probation next week is because members of Sigma Nu, including people on IFC, took pictures of stuff going on in Lambdas backyard and submitted it to the school as hazing, which is was not. They then proceeded to brag in their groupme and to sororities about how they were going to get Lambdas pledge class taken away. Specific members in Sig Nu have since made repeated false reports to IFC and the school about how Lambda had been "harassing" them and they were "scared" because they got caught snitching and are not willing to own up to what they did. Sig Nu has also tried to blame the whole thing on sororities, like Chi-O for example, saying they were the ones who turned Lambda in. Sig Nu is the scum of Greek life and anyone that says otherwise is a moron or in Sig Nu.

By: You are so wrong it hurts
by: Lol nice try lambda    

I'm on Panhellenic, sig Nu didn't do anything, lambda got in trouble from their own members and their president just blamed sig Nu if anything it was girls that got them in trouble, also lambda should be lucky they didn't get in trouble so move on

By: Lol nice try lambda
by: Well   

Ifc definitely won't say it was sig nu. But anyone who's seen the pics know it was clearly taken from sig nu's house

By: Well

Was sig nu

By: It

Hurry LXA National Jim G. you gotta reply to this!

Pick your canned post from the following:

1) This is the same persons that steals my...
2) Every post but this one is the same...
4) Clearly this person doesn't go to...
4) All sorority girls think LXA is...
5) You must have not got a bid...
6) No LXA post to this site...
7) Is Jim G. your IMMAGINTARY(sic)friend?

By: Street Gang

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