
All good on Greek circle


I don’t know what y’all are looking at, but looking at all the public posts these girls don’t look much different from house to house. Every single house (yes every one) has some super pretty girls, girls next door type etc.
And now I know y’all real shallow Mf’s are going to find someone unattractive to YOU in some pic & you will drag that house, but if you take your blinders off you will see that same type YOU are not attracted to in every house.
Stop making women feel bad about themselves.
None of ya’ll know all the personalities in every house either.
Now that rush is over can everyone just calm tf down & let everyone be happy you judgemental a-h’s

Posted By: Linds
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This exactly!! The houses are becoming more equal in terms of appearance. If you objectively look at social media, it is very hard to tell most houses apart. Of course, the rude people here won’t admit it. But, it’s true. I saw a post last night with girls from a “top house”, and no one would have known because they were not all skinny blondes. It was amazing to see! Ignore the stereotypes! They are going away.

By: Yes

Bumping cause you judgemental a-hls can’t control yourselves with the ranks.
If your going to continue being an a hole at least provide your statistical data on how you came to your ranking conclusions.
Which you can’t cause there is none.

By: Ok

Panhel story posted pic of three girls from 3 dif houses. All 3 girls super pretty but prob prettiest was from house that is always ranked low mid here. Idk what the rankers here are looking at.
All houses look same at this point.

By: Right!!

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Women hate women. And men hate women. It’s the only thing we all agree on - Barbie
Ya’ll just stop.

By: Barbs

In case you didn’t know this website is greekrank. You are literally supposed to rank sororities/fraternities. It’s in the name. If you have a problem with people doing that maybe stay off the website?

By: Fyi
by: Haha   

Bless your heart. Yes we all know it’s GR. The op is saying that you can’t tell the difference between one house and another anymore based on new members pictures.
And just because it was acceptable to rate people 🤮 doesn’t mean it should continue, especially when all the houses seem to be doing better at looking at a whole person not just looks when selecting members.
There are many things in life that were once acceptable that no longer are.

By: Haha

This post is true.
Everyone has kappa & xo ranked pretty high & they have some big girls.


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