
is western greek life safe?


After the article exposing AOPi Hazing will the whole school be affected or just that chapter?

Posted By: mustang
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Not all sororities at Western haze.

By: -
by: Op   

I know just worried because I've seen lots of schools ban Greek life after an incident from one chapter so I'm hoping that won't happen here

By: Op
by: False   

UWO is not able to "ban" or "stop" Greek life at Western, we are not recognized by the school thus they have no power to punish us by any means, we have a legal right to join an organization outside of school.

By: False

Maybe if it was true

By: ..

The most important thing to understand about greek life is you still have full autonomy of your choices. If you don't want to do something, explain why. A sorority will not and cannot kick someone out because they are not comfortable in a situation. We are here for supporting each other and despite all the drama, we continue to do that.

By: alum

Doubt it. There's no proof to anything this chick is saying. She completely discredited herself by outlining the pretense that she was dropped- as explicit motive to get back at this chapter. She then chose to exploit an over-used cliche of sorority "hazing" because it was the only way to make herself appear bigger and better than the Greek community. The article seems to have already been taken down by the publication site, probably on the evident basis of defamation. Then again, while we don't know exactly 100% what happened, and while this may seem like an opportune time to focus on one chapter's misfortune, we need to be united as a Greek community.

By: ---

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to everyone who's saying there's no proof that it's true... there's really no proof that it's not true and these allegations have followed this chapter for years. You're right, we don't know 100% what happened.

By: ok

i am an alum of this chapter and nothing this girl said is accurate... there are always going to be rumors regarding a sorority whether you chose to believe it or not that is up to you.

By: ...
by: ok   

on an site like this your statement is just about as credible as hers. just saying.

By: ok

AGD isn't on probation. Get your story straight and your facts checked before you try and spread rumours :).

By: -

Honestly AOII should be reported for investigation IMO because hazing is illegal, and the accusations haven't come out of nowhere

By: .

regardless of the validity of this girls accusations, they are that. Accusations. In the end her article did what it was meant to do, get people talking and pit sororities against one and other. Look at these comments, we shouldn't be jumping down other sororities throats just because of an article like this. We should be supporting each other. This is honestly not the platform to be expressing legitimate concerns, if youre in a sorority i suggest talking to your prez, or someone you trust not bashing each other on here.

By: -=-

Stop telling everyone that the sororities should be supporting eachorher over this. I gor one DO NOT SUPPORT HAZING OR DEGRADATION OF PEOPLE in any way or anyone who takes part in it. So like I'm sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and say omg panhel love and support and try to justify the bad behaviour of a group of girls simply because they're a part of another sorority.It's nobody's responsibility to make them feel better about their actions and just because we're in another sorority that's part of the same Greek scene it doesn't mean we're obligated to make excuses for eachother.If you don't want to be exposed for doing something awful then don't give people reasons to call you out on being awful.

By: Listen

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