

by: greek

rankings for the sororities:
Chi O
Phi Mu

Posted By: greek
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#11  by: Let's get real   

I know the rankings and how they used to be, but the 2012-2013 year has definitely made it change!
1. Chi O
2. ZTA
3. Phi Mu
4. ADPi
5. KD
6. ASA
Chi O rocked this year, ZTA has definitely stepped up their game, Phi Mu is still good but didn't do much from what I saw this past year, ADPi is only surviving on looks right now and possibly good intramurals, KD....who? Disappointed that they weren't at all what I was expecting, and then ASA obviously still needs work.

By: Let's get real
#12  by: Confused Rushie   

I'm rushing this fall and my top three are ADPi, KD, ZTA--in that order. I was originally interested in KD and ZTA, but then I found out I'm an ADPi legacy and the more I read, the more I liked it.

But I keep hearing all these negative comments about all three and now I'm really confused and don't know what to do or how to go about rush. I know the process is a total dog-and-pony show, so I wanted opinions from people who are familiar with the workings of the sororities.

Can everyone please put aside your loyalties to your houses and help me? I'm really lost! DX

By: Confused Rushie
by: toconfusedRushJul 30, 2013 10:46:26 PM

Just go in with an open mind to all the sororities. Even if you are a legacy, there is never a guarantee you will get that one. Try not to have your heart set on a specific sorority going in, and don't listen to the other girls opinions throughout the week. It's best to just go through day by day and see who you click with the best and who you feel would be the best to have as your sisters and would make your time within a sorority worth it. All the ones you are interested are all great ones to be in, but the other sororities also have good things to offer so just keep that in mind.

By: toconfusedRush
by: CuriousAug 29, 2013 3:52:56 PM

So where did you end up?

By: Curious

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