
Do and Don’t of rush


I’m an upcoming freshman and want to get into either the big four or pika. I heard from my friend at Alabama that I better start working on some stuff like my pong skills, die skills, and even cigarette smoking (???). What should I look out for? Is shotgunning cool or lame, should I show up with a six pack to every event? Am I allowed to talk to and hopefully makeout with girls? Or should I only talk to brothers and avoid girls? Thanks.

Posted By: Upcoming Freshman
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If you don’t know anyone in big 4 you’re not getting in so unless you do i’d stick with pika

By: Sorry

Pike sucks at UNC unlike Bama

By: Big 4 or bust
by: l   

facts^^ nothing like at bama- plain middle tier tbh

By: l

Don’t bring a six pack

By: Lmaoooo

You sound like such a squid

By: Stop

This guy sounds like he’d fit in at Pika

By: Bro.

babyyyyy this was painful to read maybe don't rush

By: oh gah

I legitimately think I lost brain cells reading this. Makes you wonder if UNC lowered their admission standards cause of the pandemic

By: What a tool
by: unc   


By: unc

As you can see the majority of people on this site are ignorant azzwholes. Do not bring alcohol anywhere your will definitely be caught by the cops/ALE. Just walk around to parties the first week and don't be weird. Talk to brothers give them your # and hopefully you will be invited back.

By: Lol

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This ^

By: Not pika tho

Talking to girls is a big no no. Only bring a 6 pack if it’s Mike’s or Seagrams

By: Tbh

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