Texas State University - TXST Discussion

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Ranking sororities By: ranking   Last Post:

top: axid just below top: adpi/zeta mid: dg/chi o/dz bottom: alpha gam/gamma...Read More

By: ranking   Last Post:

Started: Feb 26, 2024 1:11:20 PM
Hazing Concerns By: lolz   Last Post:

I want to rush next semester but I want to...Read More

By: lolz   Last Post:

Started: May 5, 2024 7:35:51 PM
getting dropped By: a   Last Post:

honestly, do sororities care about tattoos? will having tattoos affect...Read More

By: a   Last Post:

Started: Jun 20, 2024 8:14:56 PM
rush process/how it works By: wondering   Last Post:

i am thinking about coming here next year, i was...Read More

By: wondering   Last Post:

Started: Jun 12, 2024 4:23:42 PM
Rankings- in terms of alum & prestige. By: Honestlyyyyy   Last Post:

Ladies first: ΑΔΠ & ΖΤΑ: have the best alum network, especially...Read More

By: Honestlyyyyy   Last Post:

Started: Oct 3, 2022 12:07:14 AM
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does txst adpi have two houses? By: another school   Last Post:

saw girls posting pics from adpi houses, but the buildings...Read More

By: another school   Last Post:

Started: Mar 31, 2024 3:07:45 AM
why does everyone quit dance team (strutters) By: bye strutters   Last Post:

i’ve heard rumors that there’s hazing please can someone clear...Read More

By: bye strutters   Last Post:

Started: Mar 19, 2024 2:45:07 PM
Shutdown SAE Texas Rho (UT) By: Brent   Last Post:

A former exchange student is suing the Texas Rho...Read More

By: Brent   Last Post:

Started: Feb 22, 2024 8:31:22 PM
real ranks no bull By: REAL RANKS   Last Post:

adpi axid zta dz/dg chi o/gphi alpha gam This is just facts and unbiased sorry DZ...Read More

By: REAL RANKS   Last Post:

Started: Sep 3, 2023 11:38:09 PM
actual ranks fall23 By: womp womp   Last Post:

top: adpi zta -tie, axid mid:dz chio bottom: dg gphi bottom bottom: alpha...Read More

By: womp womp   Last Post:

Started: Nov 7, 2023 11:15:47 PM
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