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Why won't panhellenic bring another sorority chapter? Like ADPi and Zeta should definitely come back!

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Zeta has tried to come back. panhellenic won't add any houses until Gphi fills quota

By: @@

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by: True but   

While Gphi struggles the most, every year different houses at SMU have trouble filling quote they just don’t advertise it. Adding another sorority doesn’t solve the culture problem that SMU rush has of girls going info rush only wanting one house then dropping out when they don’t get it. Also Zeta will most likely never come back because of the scandal in the 80s. Possibly ADPi, but most likely they’d just add a brand new house to have a clean slate.

By: True but
by: :/   

but tcu brought phi mu to campus even tho they had two chapters not meeting quota, and baylor just brought alpha phi and adpi there is rly small. Why is gphi’s quota the main reason?

By: :/
by: ^   

As you pointed out, ADPi at Baylor is really small. At TCU it doesn't recruit that well either. So bringing it on at SMU just for the letters makes zero sense. And GPhi is very strong at TCU so why not here? Letters don't mean a thing, it's about the campus culture and strength of the system. There has to be a NEED and SMU can't justify that right now. Baylor needed to add one because their overall chapter sizes were getting way too big since they lost KD in 2010. TCU had committed to adding Phi Mu but then voted to delay it and stay at 12 sororities, but ended up letting them on anyway in 2016 ready or not, because they had started construction on their new Greek Village for 13 sororities so they needed Phi Mu as that 13th chapter to help pay for it. SMU doesn't need to just add random chapters, and no NPC sorority would want to expand here right now anyway.

By: ^

SMU panhellenic might have to start thinking about switching to Variable Quota for a few years if we really want to change the culture that is stagnating the entire sorority system. As long as so many pnm's are that close-minded and dropping out of recruitment, every house is affected. If all those pnm's who dropped would be in new member classes together, it would change everything in just a few years. Every house could hit quota, the quality of new member classes could increase across the board, and more pnm's would be placed than ever before. Variable Quota can help set pnm's expectations appropriately and give them a different perspective on what makes a top house.

By: variable quota

More chapters could lower the number of drop out rates, that is so unnecessarily high at SMU.

By: hello
by: ^   

there needs to be somewhat of a change in SMU sorority life. it is very still and predictable.

By: ^
by: !!    

So true !!

By: !!
by: nope   

More chapters wouldn't help. The quota rate at any one single sorority isn't the problem. It's the fact that girls want about four houses because of sites like this and the gossip and backbiting that go along with it. Going back many years we've made panhellenic a hostile environment and now we're paying for it. When girls don't get invited back to the top houses many drop out. The ones who stay later drop out if they don't get into the next tier. There is nothing wrong with those girls that drop out except that they're ignorant about the benefits of greek life and take the crap they read on here seriously. If we had one or even five new houses, they'd still want the ones they want now. Sororities don't want to invest in a school with the culture we have created here.

By: nope

Does the office of Greek life release the number of girls who drop out during the process and those who are not bid matched & seek to identify why ? It would be helpful to collect that data in order to advocate for another house. According to the latest SMU grade report (spring 18) our percentage of Greek undergrad women is 50% ... which means membership is SUPER HIGH - from what I see, this places SMU among the top 15-20 of ALL colleges and universities in the US. That % is likely higher now given the latest large pledge classes. Maybe the University does not want it to go any higher ?

By: Facts

Let's think about this for a minute: What would make another NPC sorority want to come to SMU right now? What's in it for them? It's an enormous effort to colonize, and sororities only come on where they are sure they will be successful, meaning there is already a healthy campus recruitment culture with a high placement/low dropout rate. No sorority colonizes on a campus to fix a recruitment dropout problem. What does SMU have to offer a new sorority?

By: Other perspective

It gets voted on by chapter reps every year and it’s always a hard no. No sorority wants any more competition. I think another sprite could really be a good addition!

By: Y

Hi!! After meeting with an member of the greek life staff, one of the steps that needs to be taken is gathering interest in the SMU student body! Wether you are currently in a house or not, I would love it if y’all would take 2 minutes and fill this out! SMU is an amazing school and we have a great greek life here, and it would amazing if we could allow 50/60 more girls a chance to run home! I do not like this website, but after reading other posts of people wanting a new house, this was the only place I could think of to post it!!
It won’t let me link the form, but email smunewchapter@gmail.com for it! It is possible to bring a new house to campus, but there needs to be students saying they are ready to join! So please fill this out:)

By: :)

The Panhellenic culture at SMU is very similar to UT — Toxic.
The Majority (not all) members wish to “keep things as they are” instead of promoting a more inclusive environment.
No National wants to colonize with this closed off culture. They will invest in Universities where Panhellenic promotes inclusion, diversity, and positive experiences for all.

By: Culture issues
by: az   

The majority of sorority nationals are not looking for, “Universities where Panhellenic promotes inclusion, diversity, and positive experiences for all” they are looking for universities where their chapter would be successful. It is would be near impossible for a new chapter here to be successful (at least numbers wise) making SMU a bad bet for most nationals looking to colonize.

By: az

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