
Feeling unsafe in my Greek org..no where else to turn


Hi. Let me preface this by saying I don't know what else to do. No one in my sorority has spoken out and eboard has not done anything. I don't feel comfortable going to the greek life office because word goes around fast. No one uses this website anymore lol but it's where I feel most anon. I joined my sorority because I instantly clicked with the girls and the environment. It felt like home. But more recently, I've been feeling so alone and unsafe. As a woman of color in a predominantly white sorority and white school, I thought perhaps I would find comfort in my Greek organization because they are supposed to "support" me. But all i feel is hurt and regret. Some of the sisters in this organization have flipped a switch recently and been sharing some bizarre and hateful propaganda online. They have an entire account dedicated to it. Where they say random opinions all about the government and the economy but no solution or evidence/theories to back them up. It's bordering on fascism/ecofacism/white supremacist capitalism (capitalism is inherently white supremacist but a lot don't realize that). In a political climate such as today's, my rights matter and I need to know that. Not only as a woman, but a woman of color. While they do not have the depth to discuss race, what they are spewing is inherently coming from a place of privilege and supremacy. Today one of their videos blew up for how awful and legitimately stupid it was. And what I noticed was, not any of my current sisters fighting against this account, but alumni taking a stand. The girl in the video was not involved in my organization and a lot of people are using that as a red herring, but the fact is the account is ran by my own sisters and it is being used a tool of divisiveness and hate. Women I thought I could trust and turn to as allies, spewing hate and non arguments. I don't know where it came from and I am so hurt. Not a peep of it in the GC and eboard has done nothing. I don't feel safe anymore. I don't feel welcome. The place I thought was home is no longer home. Greek life at Geneseo is a toxic white supremacist environment. And I was a fool for thinking I chose a supportive organization. The fact that I have to walk around and continue to see these girls and have them pretend they like me, is terrifying. Because I know the truth. They have shown their true colors. I don't know what else to do.

Posted By: scared
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its clear you're in SDT

By: chillbroitsajoke

Sheesh take a Xanax and chill

By: Damn

I’m not entirely sure what was posted and I don’t really know the entire dynamic of your sorority but I’d recommend doing one of the following. First, if it’s only a few members of your organization I would bring it to someone on the eboard. I know you said they haven’t done anything but I didn’t know if you had actually raised the concern with them. If you have close friends in your organization or any else in the organization who recognizes that what was posted was problematic then maybe bring this issue to the eboard as a united front so it’s not just something the eboard can sweep under the rug. Also, I don’t know if this is an option for you because I don’t know if you’re in a local or national, but if you have an alumni advisor or some kind of National rep that would listen to you about this issue that could be a place to go if your eboard is not helpful.
If after that nothing is done and you still feel unsafe, another option would be to drop/disaffiliate. Obviously this is your decision and you’d have to weigh the pros and cons of dropping. I will say that it’s entirely unfair that you would drop because you feel unsafe and not the girls who made you feel unsafe to begin with but if you really feel unsafe it might be the best thing for your well being and you shouldn’t have to pay dues to be a part of a sorority that doesn’t stand up for one of its own members. A less extreme option would be to take a semester off. I know some sororities have a semi-active or inactive option where you don’t pay full dues or any dues for the semester and are essentially not a member just for a temporary period. If your sorority allows that it could give you time to think about whether staying with this sorority is what you want to do. I think it’s horrible that you don’t feel safe and welcome in your sorority so I hope whatever happens, you find a place to does.

By: Drop

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I would like to apologize to the person who wrote this post. Why? Well, based upon your reference to Instagram videos (colsongirls3), I believe you’re referring to me, and throughout my life, I have never intended to do or say anything that would make someone feel diminished or excluded. To the extent that I’ve done that with you, again…I apologize. After reading your post, I re-watched every video to determine what I said that would make you feel the things you’ve described. After doing so, I still don’t see it. But, I fully appreciate that we all come from different places and are informed by different experiences. So, I would love to have a one-on-one conversation with you so that we can each try to see the world through each other’s eyes.

My sisters and I created this video series because we see two massive problems that our generation must solve together: our national deficit/debt, and political extremism.

Regarding our deficit/debt, in 2019, before the pandemic, our deficit was almost $1 Trillion…against $3.5 trillion in revenues. In October of this year, our deficit was over $280 Billion. At this rate, our deficit for the year will be over $3 Trillion. We’re paying almost $400 Billion/year on interest for our $27 Trillion loan. Imagine, when we’re in our mid-thirties with kids and mortgages, we’ll be spending a big part of our incomes servicing a $70 trillion debt (and still growing).

At the same time, political extremism is tearing our nation apart. It’s fueling hate and irrationality. Civil debate and compromise have evaporated. Everywhere you turn, it’s us-against-them. Our political leaders are responding to dissent by name-calling, threats, and efforts to silence the other side. In turn, our fellow citizens are doing the exact same thing. How is this acceptable?
You referred to our videos as “bizarre,” “stupid,” “awful,” “non-arguments,” that are “spewing hate.” I would love to hear an argument describing how we’re wrong, how our fears of our growing debt are unfounded, and how are fears of divisiveness and hate are imaginary. Until then, though, we’re going to continue to awaken our generation, attempt to bridge our divide, promote peace and compromise, and create a nation that’s safe, fair, honest, empathetic, and worthy of being a world leader.

With all this in mind, the first person I want to get to know is you. Remember, though, misunderstanding is a two-way street. So, let’s meet and start a dialogue to understand each other’s fears and frustrations.

By: Colsongirls3

Clearly you’re in sdt. If you’re who i think you are, you haven’t been the nicest person yourself and I personally would not feel safe around you. Let’s recall your Instagram story where you wanted to “get rid of all white women”. Check yourself before coming at others.

By: Hi
by: Chill   

As a white woman and after seeing the Colsongirls3 instagram account, I think she has a fair point in wanting to get rid of white women. We generally suck and that instagram account is full of ignorant garbage.

Also if you can't understand why a person of color might feel fed up with white people, especially after everything that happened this year, you need to wake up.

By: Chill

hey -
I hear you. I'm uncomfortable too. Our sorority has changed since a lot of alumni graduated; but there has also been problems since the beginning anyway. I am so sorry that it has come to a decision about staying in the org (which I know can sometimes be a bit of a shield for POC while partying and existing in geneseo) or feeling so unsafe that you have to leave. Wishing you the best towards making these hard decisions and hope you have a healthy winter break.

By: same

Literally shut up. You have an extremely false sense of reality and were clearly coddled as a child. Best of luck to you in the real world, because it will eat you and your fragile self alive. You're creating issues out of nothing. Cry to your mommy and not an anonymous Greek Life platform that no one takes seriously.

By: You're a coward
by: You’re an idiot   

For a platform that “no one takes seriously” you seem a little too worked up over a post that probably doesn’t affect you

By: You’re an idiot

my question is...why didn’t you just talk to them about the way you feel yourself? why on here? jw bc it’s not gonna go anywhere by you guys talking on greek rank lol. be straight up and tell them how you feel not that difficult.

By: say it

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