
we need to do something


Is anyone else on this campus TERRIFIED for the future of Greek life here? There are a disproportionate number of fraternities and now sororities who are getting in trouble for god knows what! When and how can we put a stop to this and start making our school appreciate us again?! We may have our differences but Greek life is the best thing to happen to this campus and they are trying to ruin that

Posted By: Am I the only one?
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we need to get rid of dean west

By: simple
by: AGREED   

But how?

by: sounds silly   

but honestly we all need to start a petition where literally every member of Greek life signs it. it sounds dumb but obviously if everyone has an issue with her I feel like they can't ignore it completely

By: sounds silly

Maybe the groups getting in trouble should take ownership of their actions and stop doing whatever it is that they are doing that are resulting in negative consequences. But by all means, blame it on someone else because that's a lot more convenient.

Honestly, as Greeks we have to be always aware of what we are doing and what that says about us as a community because when one of us acts like an idiot for GDI's they don't see XYZ group as the idiots, they see ALL of us as the idiots. Letters won't matter at that point. Is it fair? Not necessarily but that's the way it works sometimes.

By: Or....
by: uh   

are you a geed? because it is dean west's fault.... and I think the majority of Greek life would agree.

By: uh
by: or...   

Did the groups in trouble actually do what they are in trouble for? How is that dean west's fault? are you accusing dean west of getting groups in trouble for her own entertainment? if so, you are an idiot. if a group is in trouble for something it reflects poorly on dean west and PH/IFC just as much as it does the group.

Please enlighten us all on how this is her fault and not the fault of the groups in trouble.

By: or...

This annoying person is prob Dean west's head elf

By: ^^^

Or the sororities and fraternities who get in trouble should stop doing the things they got in trouble for?

By: Well...
by: seriously    

like go away or shut up. it is dean west's fault. she's way too strict and half the time the things the frats/sororites are being accused isn't entirely true. yes somethings are taken too far and sometimes she takes the punishment too far

By: seriously
by: reality...   

LIKE.....LOL! "Go away OR shut up" Isn't that the same thing??? Sounds like you're someone who is just mad because you did something you weren't supposed to do and SURPRISE! Got in trouble for it.

While I may not be a fan of Dean West, I'm not going to blame her for situations groups who were doing things they shouldn't have done now find themselves in. Grow up and start acting like an adult instead of an entitled little brat who throws a temper-tantrum when they don't get what they want.

too funny.

By: reality...

quit acting like entitled, spoiled brats and follow the rules would be a start.

By: follow rules

I feel so bad for the freshmen...i would 100% not join Greek Life if I came now it's just so sad how out of hand it has gotten. RIP UK Greek Life you are officially irrelevant :(

By: Honestly
by: haha   

still not as irrelevant as being a geed tho so we're still okay

By: haha

While I too would like to see Dean West replaced, she has nothing to do with removing chapters. If she woke up today and said "I want to kick off theta chi" she simply couldn't do it. The office of student conduct places all sanctions on all chapters. They are the ones that are ruining Greek life. Dean West hasn't done much to prevent it, but it's by no means her own doing.

By: Truth

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