


its really sad to see how much greek houses fight over this and it really makes me reconsider rushing. every time you look at a house its different tops because once someone ranks a house high someone goes and ranks it low. makes me wondering if rushing it worth it. is the fighting actually this bad?

Posted By: pnm
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i feel the same way... came on here to try to see a little bit about greek life... and it wasn't a good feeling that i got. really sad because i was so excited about rush

By: so true

There has not been a day I have regretted going Greek and joining my house. A dumb website with immature and extremely opinionated people should not sway you from making the greatest decision that I made. Once you go through rush and see what Greek life really is you will be happy you didn't listen to these anonymous misguided individuals.

By: Fact

I actually know some girls that go on here and just mess with people. It entertains them. They aren't even in a house. They were in my dorm last year. I saw this site on their laptop and asked what it was and they told me. They seem to use it to have a little fun. So I do not take it seriously ever. They went thru rush but dropped because they didn't like it I think. Not sure what the reason was.

By: true

Yeah I totally agree... All the bad comments about the houses and what's the 'top house', 'the best looking girls'...
I know a stupid website shouldn't change what you think about people, but I deff have a interesting 'first impression' on the motives of some of these houses.

By: fay

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by: agree   

People need to just stop with the bull crap and get on with their life and with summer. School will be here soon and we need to stick together. Who really cares who is top or who has the hottest girls. Leave it be and worry about more important things. Life is too short for being so negative. Come on girls, grow up and leave it alone.

By: agree

I've been reading up too! I have a few friends I was friends with in highschool who say it's just not worth it. Im a big yelp fan, I'm always reading reviews but from this I see more things discouraging me from rushing then things encouraging me to rush. Reputation is everything from person stories I've heard and things I've read I'm not as excited to be going Greek as I was. And I'm encouraging close friends not to rush. At least at wsu

By: yeah

just ignore

By: ignore

Don't worry, all houses get along and no it's not this bad. There is always going to be someone who likes to stir things up. Go through recuritment and have fun. All houses are great houses and most girls are great girls.

By: don't worry

If you take this site seriously, you are dumb. Of course it is nasty. It is anonymous. It is purely entertainment for people who like to drop something negative and watch the reaction. If you don't get that, then you are not smart enough to be in the Greek system and live the our reality and not this anonymous BS.

By: don't be dumb

It's only a select few people that are just nasty and stuck up that leave negative comments. As a whole, Greeks couldn't care less about what other people say about them on this site. Top houses know they're top houses, does that make them better than the bottom houses in anyway other than perceive popularity? Absolutely not. The only people that can give accurate descriptions of a house are its members. That's it. There isn't one person that knows every single member of another house. Each house has its drama queens or douche bags. That's just the way it is. Go Cougs! Go Greek!

By: Truth

Nice job

By: Yes

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