
stick up for a house that gets knocked on here

by: Lets all get along

I think everyone should make a positive comment about another house on here...just for fun. Or to show that all houses do like eachother. Not all of us hate eachother, we actually all really admire eachother for different reasons. I will start.

Aphis- i love the ladies that I do know. They may may not have any sistership issues. This maybe girls that felt like sorority life was not for them or maybe they were the ones that were faike and it wasnt tolerated. WHO KNOWS! Not our problem. They are a top house and girls get jealous. Its life I dont believe any of it.

Posted By: Lets all get along
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#1  by: Greek lover   

Ok, I will play.

AGD- constantly being put down for turning in a house for hazing. "News flash" hazing is prohibited by all houses. They didn't do anything wrong, the hazers did!! Leave them alone about it, most of those ladies are gone now anyway. New year new members!! I love AGDs it made them stronger. Also excellent sisterhood!

By: Greek lover
#2  by: BroLife   

The irony is that even guys mention the problems that APhis have. stop saving your house with pity and just move on. seriously its pathetic.

By: BroLife
#3  by: agree   

I agree we should all try and be nice and positive, stop being mean to others. No one likes the "mean girls"! And we are not in high school any more, it's time to grow up and act like adults, when college is over you never know who you'll be working with or who may be your boss! Some of the girls out there that you make fun of now may end up being the most amazing successful and wealthy ladies ever and you could be working with or for them! Right now you think looks are all that matter, sure it's nice but one day you'll need more than just that! School will be over and we'll all need to find a job and start our life. Lets be positive and be proud that we go to WSU! Support our Greek system and WSU!

By: agree
by: LolNov 19, 2013 6:38:07 PM

Women+Management=Not going to happen. They're just too emotional to manage and resolve conflict without crying, and the wealthy ones are golddiggers 99% of the time :P

By: Lol
#4  by: TRUTH :)   

You can easily tell its an APhi playing the poor me act. Thats really damn sad and pathetic. Work on your sisterhood instead, and you wouldn't even have problems in the first place. Such classless ladies. I can easily see why girls would drop this house.

By: TRUTH :)
by: lets get alonfNov 19, 2013 8:58:31 PM

an Aphi did not write this, I did! I'm not an Aphi. How can you make a judgment of an entire house by a few girls? That says a lot more about you than them. Did one of them steal your guy? If so, he wasn't worth your time anyway. You lucked out if you ask me. Don't hate! That's what's wrong with this world too much hate. WSU is an awesome school. We all love it!! We are all lucky to go here. Why cant we just all get along?

I chose to write about Aphi because they are not a bad house. They don't deserve all the hate. I was going to write something about AChios but thought Aphi was getting it worse so wanted to back them up a little. I honestly don't dislike any house. Sure there are girls I may not necessarily like in some house but I know there are a lot of girls I would like. Be open minded. What if there is a girl in your house that is real rude and easy. Do you want everybody saying you are too because you are in the same house? Just a thought..

By: lets get alonf
#5  by: Girls   

They are all so damn emotional

By: Girls
#6  by: Another guy   

Yeah agree they need to change but seriously they make it easy to hit it and quit it!

By: Another guy
by: That's funny broNov 20, 2013 5:03:19 AM


By: That's funny bro
by: BroLifeNov 20, 2013 11:49:35 AM

Alpha Phi, All for free. Every frat guy that matters motto in the Greek system, when it come to APhis.

By: BroLife
#7  by: love wsu   

this got totally off topic haha- so to get back on it.

KAPPAS- they get called boring and whatever else but honestly I need to stick up for them. They are seriously just classy woman. They don't choose to party a lot, they are not easy so yes they can be looked at as boring by frats. I know they also have a pretty strict standards committee to keep them in line. They have strong sisterhood and do a lot of things together that does not include partying at the frats.

I am not a Kappa and am in a house that is pretty easy going about partying (thankfully) but I have many Kappa friends and they are all great woman and happy with their house.

By: love wsu

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