
to pnms

by: Most Greeks

Just know when a person bashes another organization the usual reason is because they fear that the other organization could be a threat. Most Greeks however do no not feel threatened by others and wear their letters with pride. This site is the minority.

Posted By: Most Greeks
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#1  by: ??   

Another dumb post to PNMs.....

By: ??
by: Dumb? Jun 8, 2015 6:42:40 AM

Really, how is that? It's a positive post and so true. Funny you would complain about this post as being dumb but not complain about the posts that critize as dumb. To PNMs, notice how quickly a person responded negatively to a positive truthful post? Because thats the hater that lives on GR. Be smart. Think for yourselves.

By: Dumb?
by: ..Jun 8, 2015 8:45:05 AM

"People bash houses they see as a threat".... "But people don't see houses as a threat" ???

By: ..
by: threat vs threat? Jun 9, 2015 9:27:52 PM

What? That's not what OP said. But since you are confused by the comparison I'll clarify what op was inferring. Op was stating that there are only a few girls that seem to be threaten by the perceived status of another house so they choose to slander that house on GR. Whereas, the majority of pan are not threatened at all by the status of any house and are proud to wear their own letters. The criticism on GR is only posted by a select few.

By: threat vs threat?
#2  by: ...   

This was worded badly I was confused as well

By: ...

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